I keep getting an error “your file exceeds the maximum allowed size” or something.
It’s a clip of 1:20 on iphone. I tried clipping it to 1 min but then it wouldn’t allow upload. I exported the clip to files and then uploaded but same error.
How may I reduce the file size on my iPhone?
I'm curious about how you process the video feed; Do you stitch it back together as one long image and then perform OCR? Or just look at every N frames?
I've been looking for an open source library that helps with taking a scrolling video and then stitching it into an image but I haven't had much luck.
Just tried it, says it's fcked but I don't agree. There is zero political tweets on the feed analyzed, yet it says center left; it's basically just tech tweets.
I've the maximum muted words (200), literally muted country names so maybe that's why my feed is clean ish. Wish there was no limit though, still get some ai stuff sometimes