> The veneer of civil society is surprisingly thin. Norms fray quickly if left unguarded. And it's much harder to reestablish their purchase on society than to protect them from disappearing in the first place.
Amusing to contrast this with his support of the current administration, which is all about breaking norms that support a civil society.
Seems like folks would rather engage in ad hominem attacks than address the points being made.
It is possible to envisage and even admire ways of life which are not your own. Whilst I don't live there I have found Denmark to be a great place to be.
Having an open mind seems to have gone out of fashion.
>This is the fundamental error of suicidal empathy. That tolerance of the deranged and dangerous few can be kept a separate discussion from the freedom and safety of the many. These are oppositional forces. The more antisocial behavior you excuse, the further families will retract into their protective shell. And suddenly there are no longer children around in the public city space or any appetite for public transit.
Is David becoming more Chinese? This is the exact mentality of Chinese society. Probably Japanese as well.
I've always said that Republicans should love the Chinese government. It's what they're aiming for.
Amusing to contrast this with his support of the current administration, which is all about breaking norms that support a civil society.