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Apple's recent iOS Calculator update broke this entirely and now = multiple times does nothing :/.

iOS calc sometimes registers a press but not a release(?) and a key gets stuck in "pressed" state and doesn't count as an input. Many years issue which renders it completely unusable, unless you're careful with your tapping. A new level of skeuomorphism, I guess, non-physical buttons that get stuck.

This is fixed in the latest beta, which is probably going to ship next week or thereabouts.

The AC to backspace change really screwed me up and I'm back on a third party calculator. It's a speed bump that feels like hitting a brick wall every time!

those fuckers. If windows wants to add this as a success where Mac has failed, it still works in their calculator app.

Windows also innovated from TTC to TTCC! (Time to Candy Crush, instead of Time to Crate.)

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