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I loved the article and would probably have hired this person. But as a suggestion to them: if an interviewer says "I don't think that will be a good idea" just take the hint that it won't be what the expect and change it.

Also reminded me of my compiler class, we had some homework to write a pascal/C transpiler and a friend of mine somehow managed to implement it via bison errors(?). The teacher was not happy but had to agree it worked and gave him full marks.

> if an interviewer says "I don't think that will be a good idea" just take the hint that it won't be what the expect and change it.

I'd like to underline this just in case the author reads the thread. He really does seem great and I wish all the best to him, but reading between the lines is a useful skill regardless of this specific situation. He says he doesn't speak English well, that might have played a role in the misunderstanding, but "I don't think that will be a good idea" is not a suggestion, it's an order.

If the interviewer were better they would instead ask: if no one else on the dev team knows the type system how do you handle that situation?

Which gets at the real risk, maybe valid, that someone super smart who isn’t the best communicator will go and make a bunch of code that no one else in the company can reason about. Maybe you get a really nice explanation of the type system, or they are aware this is an esoteric approach but used it anyway because you said anything goes and it’s cool.

Good leadership starts with clearly communicating expectations. If your boss can not say "I want you to use this tool" or "use whatever you seem fit", but instead hints to you as to some possible drawbacks of certain tools he is bad at his job.

There are multiple ways to read that suggestion. It can also be read as the interviewer saying he does not believe in the technical depth of the candidate, which can be taken as a challenge.

It would also have been better to give a choice of a few selected languages. As that means the interviewer can be much better prepared.

what is this good leadership you speak of, where did you encounter that?


Yeah as an interviewer if the type-heavy solution wasn’t what I wanted to look at I would’ve asked the candidate to pretend like they don’t understand the type system and adjust the solution accordingly.

Actually though if they wanted to test for debugging ability, presenting some real code with defects would have worked a lot better than this.

That last part is key. Way better than FizzBuzz from scratch, best interview results I've seen come from giving a candidate a pre-made solution or architecture document that technically works but with glaring issues and just talking about their opinion on it, coding or pseudocoding optional for presenting solutions.

>There are multiple ways to read that suggestion. It can also be read as the interviewer saying he does not believe in the technical depth of the candidate, which can be taken as a challenge.

There are not really multiple ways to read "I don't think that's a good idea" in an interview. If your "technical depth" leads you to an inappropriate solution, it doesn't matter if it's right. Just because this solution worked for FizzBuzz and all their rules does not mean it's maintainable. It's obvious to most senior people that such a weird solution is brittle and overkill, even if they can't come up with a rule to break it. But here's a simple one: Output FizzBuzz if all the rules are passed, except if there is a database entry matching the number. Good luck solving that with some bullshit type theory, and good luck to anyone who comes behind this guy to add that rule to his Rube Goldberg code.

It is not uncommon for self-taught people to develop weird fixations on particular niche tech. Even if their understanding is thorough, they don't have the experience to know when their tool is appropriate. For example, I worked with one mostly self-taught guy who wanted to rewrite everything in a niche compiled language, including things that really should be done in scripting languages like Python or shell. Thankfully nobody else let him do that. But deep down I think he didn't accept that he was wrong, and on multiple occasions he expressed that he thought the average person on the team was woefully inexperienced. In fact, it was him that was woefully inexperienced, because he didn't understand how inappropriate and even flat-out wrong his solutions were. He wrote a fair amount of seemingly sophisticated code and sounded smart until you really got down to details and realized how nonsensical it all was. The worst part is if such a person becomes a manager and YOU have to be the one to fight for the right solution with them. I think that guy talked his way into management after I left the company, and I pity anyone who has to work under him.

The way you figure these things out is talking about them. Plenty of people like to solve challenges in weird ways and might even see the suggestions that it is inappropriate as a challenge.

>There are not really multiple ways to read "I don't think that's a good idea" in an interview. If your "technical depth" leads you to an inappropriate solution, it doesn't matter if it's right. Just because this solution worked for FizzBuzz and all their rules does not mean it's maintainable. It's obvious to most senior people that such a weird solution is brittle and overkill, even if they can't come up with a rule to break it. But here's a simple one: Output FizzBuzz if all the rules are passed, except if there is a database entry matching the number. Good luck solving that with some bullshit type theory, and good luck to anyone who comes behind this guy to add that rule to his Rube Goldberg code.

"What set of tools would you choose to build <normal software project>? And why would you choose them over alternatives?" or "We here at X make use of Y a lot, have you worked with Y or alternatives? What did you think about Y or alternatives?". Both are infinitely more telling about the candidate.

Someone's choice for a contrived joke problem will not reflect their choices for a real software project.

>For example, I worked with one mostly self-taught guy who wanted to rewrite everything in a niche compiled language, including things that really should be done in scripting languages like Python or shell. Thankfully nobody else let him do that. But deep down I think he didn't accept that he was wrong, and on multiple occasions he expressed that he thought the average person on the team was woefully inexperienced. In fact, it was him that was woefully inexperienced, because he didn't understand how inappropriate and even flat-out wrong his solutions were.

I worked with people who liked to solve silly problems in silly ways, but when it came to real projects always preferred mature languages and libraries which focused on long term support, stability and maintainability.

The problem with the interview is that instead of talking about the subjects, they themselves want to rely on subtle hints about the candidate. Which may not mean anything.

>Plenty of people like to solve challenges in weird ways and might even see the suggestions that it is inappropriate as a challenge.

That's absolutely not the way to approach an interview. "Let me try to do things the exact way you clearly don't want, just to see if we can." Is the candidate going to try to do their next job this way? What are you going to do when their egotistical attempts to solve problems in clever ways despite your advice and even instructions bites YOU?

>"What set of tools would you choose to build <normal software project>? And why would you choose them over alternatives?" or "We here at X make use of Y a lot, have you worked with Y or alternatives? What did you think about Y or alternatives?". Both are infinitely more telling about the candidate.

I hate coding interviews but I am sympathetic to people who want to do them because I've met people who are such good bullshitters that they could fool most people. If you're talking about someone with no working experience and who claims to be self-taught, you really have to make them write code.

>Someone's choice for a contrived joke problem will not reflect their choices for a real software project.

The interviewers tried to tell him to approach it like an industrial-grade solution, not a weird academic exercise. He was in the mood to do an academic exercise, and that's what he did. The interviewers seriously don't know what he will do in the workplace. That's why they're trying to make him write some code in such a way. Self-taught people are more of a risk in that they often overcomplicate (or oversimplify) things.

>I worked with people who liked to solve silly problems in silly ways, but when it came to real projects always preferred mature languages and libraries which focused on long term support, stability and maintainability.

Good for you? I'm not talking about silly problems. I'm talking about someone who wanted to rewrite our build system in a compiled language, and our Python unit test driver in a different compiled language. He wanted to use inappropriate "fun" languages at work. I'm not categorically against using interesting new languages and tools, but when there is ZERO benefit to doing so and nobody else knows said languages, it is not to be done.

>The problem with the interview is that instead of talking about the subjects, they themselves want to rely on subtle hints about the candidate. Which may not mean anything.

The whole point of the interview is to get hints about the candidate. There are times when interviewers read too much into what the candidate does or says, but this isn't one of them. The candidate wanted to show off his knowledge of type theory despite pretty obvious hints that the interviewers didn't want that. That means he has bad social skills or else he has an ego issue. The fact he blogged about it in such a way to brag about his solution suggests he does have an ego problem. There's also a healthy chance that the whole story is fiction, just to advertise himself as a self-taught "genius" who is turned down for being "too good" lol.

I strongly disagree. I’ll take the opportunity to wildly diverge when the chance naturally presents itself. It’s how I can show the interviewer that I’m a creative person who comes up with interesting alternatives and can also be fun to work with.

For example, I was asked to do FizzBuzz once. I laughed, said we’ve both done this dozens of times, and would they like to have fun with it? We ended up building this wild thing with recursive Python generators and itertools and a state machine or something. I don’t remember the details a decade later, except that the interviewer thought it was hilarious, and I taught them some Python (“wait, that part there, does that actually work?!”, and they paused me to test it on their laptop).

I got the job.

As a candidate, you’re interviewing them, too. If the person is a martinet who can’t look deviate from the script even slightly, and you have other options, do you really want to work with them? That sounds joyless.

Sometimes going off script is OK but that is not what they wanted here, it seems. Besides I guess that if this interview ever happened, the "solution" might not be the reason that they weren't hired. But the numerous hints that the candidate got suggest that they wanted a normal solution. Asking someone to deliver a solution within some reasonable constraints is not "joyless" and disregarding these constraints on purpose over and over is not "smart."

>The whole point of the interview is to get hints about the candidate.

Which it didn't accomplish at all, because the interviewers refused to do the single most important thing. Actually talking with their candidate about these things. Instead they are relying on psychoanalysis to divine some secret meaning in his actions.

I am not arguing that your interview shouldn't try to figure out the personality or professional approach of a person, but that this particular interview made it near impossible to do so. Simply because they refused to talk about the things they wanted to know.

You make it sound so much more mysterious than it is. The candidate rejected polite social cues to not go down the path he did. He came up with an oddball, brittle, and undebuggable solution. They said what they wanted for this fairly simple problem. It's not a guess at some secret, it's a simple observation that the candidate is not right for the job.

> The interviewers tried to tell him to approach it like an industrial-grade solution, not a weird academic exercise.

Wrong. They put in silly rules like "Max of 30 lines" and "Mutating array operations are forbidden". These do not describe industrial-grade rules. They describe an academic, esoteric challenge. And then when he provides them with it, they punish him for his creativity by adding in bullshit rules retroactively e.g. "Hardcoding matrices is forbidden."

You just sound upset that he's able to walk the walk but you WANT him to be just a bullshitter.

> I hate coding interviews but I am sympathetic to people who want to do them because I've met people who are such good bullshitters that they could fool most people. If you're talking about someone with no working experience and who claims to be self-taught, you really have to make them write code.

The choice is not limited to made up toy problems vs not testing coding skills at all. You can give them real problems to solve.

> The interviewers tried to tell him to approach it like an industrial-grade solution, not a weird academic exercise.

Hahaha, and how exactly do you write an 'industrial-grade' FizzBuzz? ;)

Obligatory: https://github.com/EnterpriseQualityCoding/FizzBuzzEnterpris...

> The whole point of the interview is to get hints about the candidate. There are times when interviewers read too much into what the candidate does or says, but this isn't one of them.

Oh but it is. If I were to ask you, the expert, to draw a blue line with red ink and then attempt to draw conclusions from your behaviour based on that question, could I ever get a valid assessment of you? If a test is faulty, so are its results. Garbage in, garbage out.

Interviewing is no trivial task. It is an attempt to test how well someone will do a thing without having them actually do it. By definition, that is impossible. Still, we can try to get good enough results by minimising the number of differences between our test environment (interview) and production (the job). That will involve:

a) making the interview environment resemble the job as much as possible (no hazing, minimal pressure on the candidate, writing code in and IDE instead of a whiteboard, etc.)

b) presenting the candidates with coding tasks that match what the company does on a daily basis (take a suitable bug you had in your codebase, touch it up a bit with more issues, have them fix it; pair program with them to add a new feature to your codebase, etc.)

Some concrete examples:

- https://rachelbythebay.com/w/2022/03/19/time/ (it suffices to read the first two paragraphs)

- https://quuxplusone.github.io/blog/2022/01/06/memcached-inte...

- https://blog.jez.io/bugsquash/

> I wish all the best to him, but reading between the lines is a useful skill regardless of this specific situation.

I disagree. This is not a fair ask, especially for a programming position. Programming and maths in particular puts a lot of emphasis on attention to detail.

If he can write it in X, and there's no rule against it, and the job gets done well, then there is no issue. Arguing any further of it is unproductive. He's applying for software development, not for public relations.

> "I don't think that will be a good idea" is not a suggestion, it's an order.

Then it should be a rule. "Reading between the lines" sounds like an excuse to me for bullshit criteria. It should be written, it should be explicit, and it should be known. If the interviewer is uncomfortable writing it down as a rule then that tells me they KNOW that it's too silly or pedantic. This whole idea of unwritten rules is a double standard designed to weed out neurodivergent or autistic individuals who are more than capable of fulfilling job requirements and, to me, seems like a potentially illegal form of discrimination that violates disability civil rights laws.

If company is trying to hire people in other countries/cultures to save some buck, they should be mindful that communication may be a bit more of an issue, and try harder, too. Otherwise they'll have the same issue after hiring and not just during interviews.

It's not all up to the interviewee to decipher everything. Both should be trying a bit to get to the same understanding, prior to setting off to work.

Anyway, the company will be wasting money when the communication works out poorly, so it's ultimately up to them.

That's part of good senior/manager skills unfortunately. These sort of subtle hints happen all the time, it looks bad if folks keep missing them. Ie British are famous for them, you'll rarely experience straight talk to the bone.

They're 18 rules in and now they're going to "hint" that something isn't okay when the candidate directly asked yes or no? Fuck that.

And the reason for the hesitance was a worry that it would have trouble with future rules, which turned out to be completely unfounded.

Yeah, it's an English thing. A literal translation in Dutch would mean "explain yourself here", and if you'd change tack because of the question alone, it would seem like you really lack self-confidence.

But after living in the UK for a bit, in the UK that is most likely an order.

In the UK, it’s not at all cut and dried - depends more on the personality of the person saying it. Could be lazy assertion of control, an attempt to help or an implied challenge.

I also think the interview setup and management were poor.

> and if you'd change tack because of the question alone, it would seem like you really lack self-confidence.

Or because the candidate realized that they've messed up, and by dropping the issue can at least salvage the next XY minutes of the interview by not going down the wrong rabbit hole.

"Could you tell me more about this?" and "Are you sure about this?" are invitations for providing the rationalization for your answers. "I'm not sure that's a good idea" is a very unsubtle, but polite way of hinting that the you have gone way off the map.

As an interviewer, I want my candidates to succeed. I want them to put their best foot forward. I've asked my question over a hundred times, and I've seen many ways that people have solved it, correctly or no. If I'm giving them this suggestion, it means that I know that they are going down one of the many, many wrong garden paths.

I know, I have now spent enough time in the Anglosphere to understand this cultural code. But I do want to emphasize that, yes, if you only know English as a language, that that subcontext is not obvious.

In France, professors would literally say "You are wrong." as an invitation to explain yourself better. There are only 500km between London and Paris, but the culture behind these words is the complete opposite.

That phrase in English has a strong connotation of the recipient screwing up somehow though, so I’d probably say “that’s not what I was looking for in this case. Try something else.”

> Yeah, it's an English thing. A literal translation in Dutch would mean "explain yourself here",

That's just patently untrue. The literal translation is "ik denk niet dat dat een goed idee is" and the better translation would be "dat is niet de bedoeling".

If I got told in an interview "dat is niet de bedoeling" I'd be damn sure to rework my solution because they're clearly trying to coax me towards whatever they're looking for. And in a way it is actually a nice thing of them, because they could just say nothing and fail me out of that round of interviews.

Interviewer was wrong. Interviewee learned that interviewer is happy to advance incorrect ideas and stifle innovation.

Smells like poor management to me.

"We'd like you to explore this path and show how you would deal with problems that occur there" is much easier to interpret than the passive aggressive tone of "I don't think .."

I would also go with my idea and see how the manager reacted: there is only so much micromanagement I'm willing to tolerate at work. Interviews go both ways.

> But as a suggestion to them: if an interviewer says "I don't think that will be a good idea" just take the hint that it won't be what the expect and change it.

Yep, as an interviewer I hated when I’d try to gently (then not so gently) nudge a candidate in a direction because I could see they were going down the wrong path and they insisted they knew best or refused to listen to my advice. I’m not looking for “loyal foot soldiers” who follow my every order, and I’m not looking for people to kiss my butt or blow smoke up it, but the audacity to push back on an interviewer multiple times when they’re trying to help you… (NOT what I think happened in the OPs case, I’m thinking of my own experience here).

For me it was a massive red flag. If I can’t get you to listen to my advice in a scenario where most people are trying their hardest to be “attractive” to a company then what’s going to happen when I ask you to change something in a PR? Or tell you that the approach you are taking is not going to work?

That and the person who argued with me about tabs and spaces after I made a joke about it and then proceeded to email me with more sources as to why one was better than the other. Honestly, this person was younger and I don’t think they meant to be so abrasive, but it came across very “know-it-all” and one thing I don’t like is people who come into a company and start trying to change things or do things “their way” without first getting the lay of the land and understanding _why_ things were done the way they were (aka Chesterton's Fence).

At work, would you rather have a boss that makes you implement dumb ideas? Or would you prefer a boss who recognises that your idea is better, then rewards you for it?

You are interviewing them too.

I would also have hired the candidate.

I probably wouldn't have hired the candidate, at least for the position as stated.

My reasoning is that the company advertised a position for a senior engineer with 4 years experience. Leaving aside title inflation and whether someone with 4 years experience is actually a senior engineer, and leaving aside the really dumb test, that position requires communication skills, common sense, maturity, and just generally knowing what's going on. A candidate who misreads the situation in an interview so badly that they can't take the interviewer's unsubtle hints is going to mess up other communication within the company, has likely never been on the other side of an interview before, and is at risk of allowing the kind of "clever" code that destroys companies.

Again, this is only a problem for a senior engineer. I want junior and mid-level engineers to be clever and enthusiastic. Senior engineers are meant to understand that I have five interviews this week and their attempt to channel Aphyr[0] is going to make my life harder when I want to talk about their thoughts on maintainability.

[0] https://aphyr.com/posts/342-typing-the-technical-interview

The interesting contrast, though, is that the blog post demonstrates strong communication skills and self awareness.

Yeah I was thinking it was extremely well written. I want to be on their side after reading it, but I've encountered enough individuals that are completely different people online than how they are in real life. Especially in the way they communicate and how they speak.

All that being said, I would not be able to take the OP's side until I heard the interviewers side of the story as well.

If you want to assess communication skills, common sense, maturity, just generally knowing what's going on, or any other senior engineering quality, I advise you steer hard away from FizzBuzz.

FizzBuzz is the mind-killer.

The author’s answer was clever, but also unconventional. The company was probably looking for someone that would write code in a shared codebase that other developers will need to contribute to and maintain. Thinking outside the box and not following suggestions might have raised a red flag that this person might be a loose cannon. In a small company, hiring someone smart but unwilling to follow directions can be detrimental. Kudos to the author, though, for being quick thinking and creative.

Then ask. Ask the candidate if he has experience in some teams, ask what he would do if someone else was challenging his technical decisions. Ask him what he would do if he was ordered to do something which he believes was a bad technical decision.

Instead of talking the company relies on easily misinterpreted hints that he might or might not be someone able to work in a team. People can be both self confident and able to create a cheeky solution and be sociable people with decent team skills.

If your hiring process relies on psycho analysis of the candidates, it probably will not work very well.

Even in the candidate's own telling, it is obvious that they misread very strong signals from interviewers. I've sometimes been that overly clever programmer and I've had to deal with it too, on the one side it's great that they bring energy and brains, but it is exhausting. At some point when moving fast you just want to have some people that you can go "hey just fix this bug wouldya" and trust that they're not going to come back with a clever but convoluted and inefficient hack.

Agree as a general rule BUT candidates can (and some WILL) lie to those questions. See how they react naturally although in a simulated scenario can give you a better idea.

But you should do both things, probably in 2 different interviews.

There is plenty of research on interviews and how to prevent them - or so the interview trainers hr made me take classes from before I was allowed to interview anyone.

disscussions here universially show no evidence anyone knows it exists much less what it is. I at least know it evists but I don't know how to find it

I think the lie is in thinking FizzBuzz is going to give you any insight into such matters.

Put aside your paranoia and just talk to your candidates. Ask them thoughtful questions that invite thoughtful answers. Probe gently to get at more challenging questions. Trust your ability to discern when they're BSing you.

Normally I’d give the company the benefit of the doubt for the reasons you point out, but not in this case. If you’re asking increasingly convoluted/unrealistic/impractical questions, you can’t complain that the response wasn’t practical.

It gives off strong “your answer might be correct but it’s not on my answer key so I’m marking you wrong” teacher vibes. Avoid at all costs.

Exactly. On one level I loved this solution but it’s definitely “clever code” and, unless there is a particularly strong requirement driving it (e.g., performance), I don’t particularly like clever code in production systems.

The problem of “What does this do?” is prevalent enough, and occurs often enough under pressure, without adding excessive niftiness into the mix.

I do still like the solution though.

The interview was also very clever and unconventional.

"Numeric types, number literals and their associated methods and operations are forbidden".

If this is how the interview behaved, I'm pretty sure this is a company that expects developers to write code in a certain way but doesn't really know how to guide them.

Kudos to the author, but shame on the interviewer.

Then don't say" "the interviewer noted that I could even use esoteric programming languages but advised me against because there would be lots of rules that would be hard to follow"

this is a good filter.

if someone starts careening through the task using brainfuck, they ain’t thinking like a senior dev at day job i.e. simple, clear, easy to follow and maintainable code writing.

i don’t care how clever you are. i need to know you’re not going to rewrite the frontend in your first week because of a “big brain” moment [0]. using python or something simple without being told to helps me feel like you won’t do that, and that i might be able to trust you on day 0.

expectations on seniors are higher

[0]: https://grugbrain.dev/


Also, this still properly fits the "you're interviewing the company as well" paradigm. If the author wanted a company that values cleverness or can deal with people who go unbeaten paths, they now know it wasn't the right place.

Then that expectation should be communicated clearly, not via some obscure passive aggressive subtones, don't you find?

Ideally yes, but most people in corporate settings don't communicate clearly. So if they have a culture of dropping hints, and you don't take them you're not going to do well at the company.

It's not good, but it's an accurate reflection of the work environment.

No point in dying on every hill. Sometimes letting people get their way today (even if you don't agree) could be long term win for you.

If you're building some sort of basic, crud app you shouldn't hire this candidate, or at least recognize they are a project - is that what you want?

But if you're doing anything unique, or experimental they might be a great fit.

Most of us are doing the second.

I mean, the interview requirements are quirky and unconventional as heck.

Anyone saying "you gotta check divisibility without math" on the job would get laughed out of the room.

The only thing I can think of is they were fielding for them to say "that's not possible" and push back, potentially as a way to gauge if they would reject unreasonable client expectations or something.

Then it's a stupid way to check for it, because it was possible and trivial enough to implement in a short time frame with a "rewrite" in the middle and no attempt to meassure pushing back in other ways when the first one failed

Yea still absolutely unreasonable, but it's the only way it even makes sense for me

Possible but risky in an interview. Some people are really unreasonable.

But it was a good idea! The interviewer just didn't expect a rock solid idea on the OP's part. It seems the interviewer was more interested in creating a hard interview rather than finding a good engineer. And while we're on that, I firmly believe that giving a business-agnostic pull request "spiked" with errors, brad practices and tricky to find bugs and asking the interviewing party to review it is going to tell you much more about them than leetcode-interviewing them.

> would probably have hired this person

Of course. They can write (as in, natural language, not "just" code). In my opinion always the second most important skill for every knowledge worker, regardless of what their actual job is

There is a power imbalance between interviewer and interviewee. If an interviewer really wants to, they can throw you the equivalent of "what number am I thinking of" and watch you struggle through 50 tries before your brain runs out of glucose and you go blank.

If I'm interviewing someone and they give me a right answer that wasn't even in my copy of "the teacher's answer book", I realise they're good and let them ace it.

It maybe be that there was a personality clash and they simply didn't think the candidate was a good fit for the team. Been there, and understand that. Or they maybe got butt-hurt that the candidate's answer broke their test. Either way, the candidate is better off not working there.

Interviewer was wrong however.

Then you'll be coding what they expect for the next 10 years. Interviews are two way things.

Yeah I agree. You should be demonstrating how you would write code in the job. Based on devs I've worked with, I don't think a pure type solution as presented is very maintainable.

On the job I don't have lines of code restrictions, and can use math functions.

> You should be demonstrating how you would write code in the job

That was forbidden, check the rules given by the interviewer.

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