Does everyone just need to get out of Bitcoin and get into Solana before a stampede happens? If Bitcoin crashes, all coins will crash, because there's hundreds of them to choose from. You're playing with tulips.
Yes, you are right. The traditional financial system is indeed more popular than crypto.
I’m not sure what your point is, but yes, I absolutely agree.
Obviously, that has no effect of the capacity of crypto to take over the volume of existing financial transactions and largely replace existing middle men.
Random old tech from 2015 also had wildly fluctuating transaction fees. Likewise I can’t run call of duty on my ZX spectrum. I’m not sure what your point is there either, but yes, I agree. Obviously old tech being old doesn’t affect the capabilities of new tech, and the vast majority of payments are done on Solana rather than these old networks.
> Come on now, you know I was referring to consumer fraud
No I didn’t. But it was late.
My point, that crypto already has the capacity and the low fees remains unscarred.
Oh good because the fee is insanely high.
> How many is crypto even capable of processing?
1M a second including voting transactions, divide by 4 for non-voting TPS.
Transaction fee for a simple transfer is a fraction of a penny.
I’m not sure if your last question is regarding consumer fraud or cryptographic fraud proofs so I won’t answer it until you clarify.