Curious how people who are supposed to be rational, have never read what is anger (or “badness” and “evilness” as some people still call it) - the best way to do it is to read any recent meta analysis on what is the most effective anger treatment. It’s cognitive therapy and it not only explains the mechanics of it: misunderstanding - worry and resulting anger (anything enforced on another without consent is anger, even if you think it’s good for them). So we actually have predictive understanding of the mechanics of “good” and “evil” - a person without or with anger management problems. “Evil” is nothing more than misunderstanding, worrying and protecting yourself (often for reasons that they invented themselves after trying to read the mind of another - something that’s impossible) - forcefully enforcing something upon another. “Good” is nothing more than trying to understand another, not fearing (because you understood another and yourself) and as a result not trying to enforce your will upon them