For anyone who might not be aware, Chrome also has the ability to save screenshots from the command line using:
chrome --headless --screenshot="path/to/save/screenshot.png" --disable-gpu --window-size=1280,720 ""
Quick note: when trying to do full page screenshots, Chrome does a screenshot of the current view, then scrolls and does another screenshot. This can cause some interesting artifacts when rendering pages with scroll behaviors.
Firefox does a proper full page screenshot and even allows you to set a higher DPS value. I use this a lot when making video content.
Check out some of the args in FF using: `:screenshot --help`
That's not the behavior I'm seeing (with Puppeteer). Any elements positioned relative to the viewport stay within the area specified by screen size (eg. 1200x800) which is usually the top of the page. If the browser would scroll down these would also move down (and potentially appear multiple times in the image). Also intersection observers which are further down on the page do not trigger when I do a full-page screenshot (eg. an element which starts animation when it enters into the viewport).
bravo for puppeteer, i guess? "singlefile" is the only thing i've ever seen not do weird artifacts in the middle of some site renders, or, like on reddit, just give up rendering comments and render blank space instead until the footer.
anyhow i've been doing this exact thing for a real long time, e.g.
I mean, if you have some of those annoying "hijack scrolling and turn the page into some sort of interactive animation experience" sites, I don't think "full page" would even be well-defined.
on my firefox if i right click on a part of the page the website hasn't hijacked, it gives the option to "take screenshot" - which i think required enabling a setting somewhere. I hope it wasn't in about:config or wherever the dark-art settings are. I use that feature of FF to screenshot youtube videos with the subtitles moved and the scrub bar cropped out, i feel like it's a cleaner and smaller clipboard copy than using win+shift+s. Microsoft changed a lot about how windows handles ... files ... internally and screenshots are huge .png now, making me miss the days of huge .bmp.
also as mentioned above, if you need entire sites backed up the firefox extension "singlefile" is the business. if image-y things? bulk image downloader (costs money but 100% worth; you know it if you need it: BID); and yt-dlp + ffmpeg for video, in powershell (get 7.5.0 do yourself a favor!)
$userInput = Read-Host -Prompt '480 video download script enter URL'
(If you're trying to point out that two firefoxes are capable of talking to each other via system IPC, then yes, fully isolating any two programs on the same machine requires at least containers but probably full VMs, which has nothing to do with Firefox itself, and you'd need to explain why in this situation we should care)
Does anyone know whether this would also be possible with Firefox, including explicit extensions (i.e. uBlock) and explicit configured block lists or other settings for these extensions?
This flag isn't valid anymore in the new chrome headless. Disable GPU doesn't exist unless your on the old version (and then, it was meant as a workaround for Windows users only).