This would need to be implemented as a $30 membership that gives a $1 discount for every check-in over a 30 day period for the next month's payment, or better yet, $60 with a $2 daily discount because memberships below $30 aren't really enough to run a gym.
It would be better to give credit that can be exchanged for things. Better yet, become the company that sets up turnkey reward programs for active gym members.
The problem is at $50/month+ the service expectations become much more expensive to provide -- even though a dedicated member could get it back into the 30s.
Edit: what I mean is that if price ranges from $30-60 the average cost will be a lot nearer that range that's perceived as upscale gym. Whereas ranging from $0-60 would at least appear to be nearer the ordinary $30/month average. It would entirely depend on usage, obviously.
Indirect exchange site. You put in what you are willing to give away e.g. a CD and what you are looking for e.g. a coffee mug. The site trawls all the 'swap' sites (like Craig's list) looking for intermediate swaps that will achieve the desired result e.g. you have a CD, Tom has a tennis ball and William has a coffee mug. William wants a tennis ball and Tom wants a CD. The program matches you all up so you give your CD to Tom, Tom gives his tennis ball to William and William gives his coffee mug to you. A 'mega-barter' system like this removes the need for a currency ...
The challenge is in the actual exchange of the physical goods. You make the effort and take the time to meet Tom in a coffee shop downtown in your lunch break and hand him the CD after he turns up late. Tom is a lazy ass and doesn't bother to meet William and ignores his pleading emails. You are then down one CD and one coffee mug. There is a good reason why money exists as a primary form of exchange rather than barter.
I had a similar idea for an app, but kept hitting physical barriers to implementation.
Exactly! I heard a story about a guy who started off with a pen and ended up with a truck. I don't even know if it's true but it is inspirational. Actually that could be an interesting system in its own right - I have a CD and I want a car - show me the swaps available to make it happen ... though I actually think the major limitations for such a system would be an intractably large search space.
//Doubt this is a million dollar idea, but i love to have one ^_^
The idea is simple, as you are coding, you can switch between languages as you please. All languages able to access variables and methods in any other language you have already used. All you have to do is identify what language the sections of code are.
public list<int> DataSet = new list<int>();
public string GetSortedData(list<int> unsorted_data)
//sorts the data
//Converts data to string (as delphi dosent have list<int> class... i think.)
<Delphi> //sory its the only other language i know atm
An app which crawls over internet and gives best deal/price for any item you search and you never have to search 100s of diff deal sites to compare the lowest.
I think a better model would be beer paired with a catalog/website that gives rewards in the form of more beer.
An ad needs to be worth more than the advertising value of the packaging itself, and even very niche beers would not likely be seen by more than a handful of people so at $10 CPM wouldn't fetch more than a dime a bottle. Additionally, there would be the personell cost of filling ad inventory and frequently redesigning the bottle.
Only if the ads are contained in secret nanites you ingest that play subliminal ads to your cerebral cortex when you are at rest making you crave the sponsor's products forte nightly! My logic and 'direct to cortex buy now' -TM suggestions are undeniable.