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Yet another rant about how "Apple is loosing it". Very tiring. I can't wait until people stop complaining and start being constructive again. I miss that here.

Yes the maps blow. So let's talk about maps, not the entire complete product which you seem to loth. No offense by this, just would like to move past venting for the sake of venting.

Users are human and such generalization is what we "lusers" slip into when we're so radically disturbed by something.

The post is a rant alright, but I'm pissed just the same that Apple's maps doesn't recognize "The Music Academy" in Chennai. It knows my local street, shows a hospital nearby on the map (with correct name) and yet when I put in the name of the hospital in the box to find directions, it can't find the location! The search results are total crap and unaware of the location from which I'm searching (though I've already told it that [edit: I'm in India and it gives autocompletion results to destinations in Austria ... by walk!).

I could go on .. but then again, this will be a rant as well. Here is a "constructive" comment to Apple - put in a new maps app and refine it over time alright, but let us keep the Google maps app alongside. Is that too much to ask?

put in a new maps app and refine it over time alright, but let us keep the Google maps app alongside. Is that too much to ask?

If Google had a maps app, it wouldn't be too much to ask. Google doesn't have a maps app; iOS has a maps app, which was powered by Google up until iOS 6. If/when Google creates a maps app, I'm willing to bet Apple will approve it for the App Store, just as they've approved Chrome and Gmail.

Apple's contract to use Google as the back-end data source for iOS's Maps app expired and, for all we know, Google refused to renegotiate another contract. I doubt that's the case, but anyone asserting anything either way is simply speculating unless they're sourcing from someone at Apple or Google.

whatever .. I reserve my right as a user (who's paid for the device) to have expectations of functionality - the business side of things be damned.

For now, I've done an "add to home screen" of the google maps mobile device page. Works much better for me than the native maps.

I never said you should limit your expectations. I was simply laying out facts. You can like them or hate them, that's entirely up to you; I personally don't care either way.

I'm glad you've found a more usable replacement for iOS 6's Maps.

I'd like to record here that today both "The Music Academy" as well as the hospital I searched for are locatable on iOS6 Maps!!

This makes me wonder what Tim Cook meant when he wrote "The more our customers use our Maps the better it will get..". Is it a side effect of some kind of caching or learning we're seeing here? The info is certainly there, but it seems like it is the text->geo mapping that turns up "no results" more often than I can tolerate.

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