If you think iOS 6 maps are in any single way an improvement over Google Maps, or anything other than a power play in general, you're pretty damn likely to be making a worthless fanboy comment.
So the word "fanboy" is not an accurate term to describe anyone or the level of discourse about a subject?
You think that everybody on this website is engaging in rational, high-minded discourse?
It's easy to assume every mind is a willing convert. It takes a realist to understand that many minds are already made up based on bullshit and bad logic and you will never change those minds.
You're just as closed-minded as the "fanboys" I decry. Don't take the easy way out.
"fanboy" is a cop-out term that means that you aren't willing to accept that someone else has a different experience and opinions than yourself. By using the term "fanboy" you are very clearly signaling that you are discounting anything and everything the "fanboy" says. This is the textbook definition of close-minded.
Far more often, the person slinging the word "fanboy" is the person who refuses to accept new ideas, to accept that other people's differing opinions may be just as valid as their own. This is what close-minded is. And quite often, the person who is tarred with the word "fanboy" is in fact quite rational and has good reasons for their opinions, and may very well be open to differing opinions. But you'll never find out because you immediately labelled them as a "fanboy" and shut down the discussion.
And thus, the simple rule. Anyone who uses the word "fanboy" is not worth listening to.