I enjoy the bucket metaphor. You can't get more water out than you put in, and there will always be loss in-between. I will definitely be looking through these glasses for the rest of the day. Maybe I will learn something new, so thank you.
Great article! I think where most people falter is in the create phase, not a lot of people create things of great value. Communicate and capture are easily done any time after you create great value.
Facebook could be an example of a startup with great value who didn't communicate or capture until they were extremely big.
Communicate and capture are easily done any time after you create great value.
Communicate and capture are probably underestimated in terms of difficulty because the number of people that have 'gotten that far' is limited and a successful execution of those steps looks easy in hindsight.
Also, notice, you left out Deliver (whether intentionally or not). It's the most easily ignored IMO.