BS! Crypto software has to be open source to be taken seriously - all the other things you write about are additional factors that count in and are not related to this one argument, so you are trying to wishiwashi the discussion - it only shows that you think your readers are not able to think clearly and in a well-structured way or you are not able to do it.
Without sourcecode no crypto routines can be trusted - period. Anything else might work in the fake industries, where producing marketing lies is part of a standardized way to make money, but not in the real crypto world.
Your opinion only makes sense if you think P(your analysis of the source code is correct) > P(you can trust person X) * P(person X's analysis of the source code is correct).
Actually the right hand side is much more difficult to defeat because it involves more than one person.
Without sourcecode no crypto routines can be trusted - period. Anything else might work in the fake industries, where producing marketing lies is part of a standardized way to make money, but not in the real crypto world.