Lennart has outright said that systemd won't run on BSD (http://lwn.net/Articles/452865/), and now Gnome is saying it won't run (major components at least) without systemd. How is this about BSD devs needing to "work together"? Come on. You're talking about a major refactoring of core aspects of BSD until it becomes, basically, Linux.
I have no idea why you're going off there about "perfect" when that's not what anybody else is talking about.
Don't make this about BSD's involvement. The Gnome team has clearly just made a decision to support Linux, and Linux only.
Lennart has said that systemd won't run on BSD in exactly the same way that OpenBSD have said OpenSSH won't run on Linux. There's a separate portable branch of OpenSSH. Anyone is free to maintain a portable branch of systemd.
I'm not talking about BSD working together. I'm talking to participate. If you don't then you're ignored. IMO I've been quite thorough to explain my point-of-view, would appreciate if you could at least understand what I'm trying to say. An us-vs-them is not helpful.
Which is my point, if you don't involve yourself at all in the discussion, then it is going to be logical that sometimes a decision will be taken which didn't take some issue you had into consideration.
I have no idea why you're going off there about "perfect" when that's not what anybody else is talking about.
Don't make this about BSD's involvement. The Gnome team has clearly just made a decision to support Linux, and Linux only.