The thing is, if you're operating a TOR node you should have full knowledge that people are going to use it as much for illegitimate uses as much as legitimate uses.
And if you're operating a cab, you should have full knowledge that people are going to use it as much for illegitimate uses as much as legitimate uses.
For Tor, the ratio of legitimate to illegitimate is perhaps 1:1, whereas for taxis it's like 1000:1, or higher. At least that's how I read "as much as".
Also your factual statistics compared to your made up statistics is perhaps 1:1,000,000,000. I can think of about 10 people I personally know that use Tor (off the top of my head). 10 of those people use it legally. So 0 in 10 people sure it for legitimate purposes. Therefore, 0 in 1,000,000,000 actually use it for legitimate purposes.
Even a ballpark estimate makes no sense without at least a vague source. You're trying to define statistics for a network that is designed to make it infeasible to gather statistics...
My real objection was groby_b stating something that is almost certainly incorrect (taxi ratio is 1:1) - I would bet money on this - as a means to refute something that is perhaps incorrect / unknowable (Tor ratio is 1:1).
I have no idea what the Tor ratio is, but it is "perhaps" 1:1. And what does legitimate mean anyway? Some of the work on Tor is funded by the US government so that people in oppressive states can speak out, which means that in those countries that speech is "illegitimate" whereas in the US it is not. Or did we mean morally illegitimate? Whose morals are we talking about? Or did mean we mean child pornography? And is that still illegitimate in all of the nation states that repress speech?
I think my ballpark estimate for taxis is reasonable, and that if motivated you could certainly find a lower bound on that ratio from taxi rides per capita per annum, crimes per capita per annum, and the assumption that all crimes used a taxi driver as an accessory.
If you had written your response here to swalsh, who defined a statistic of 1:1 for Tor, I wouldn't have anything to post.
You don't know that for certain. There can be a taxi which is exclusively used by mafia ->therefore(following your argument) all taxis should be banned.