Ah yes, you're right. Anytime someone accuses cops of lying, those cops usually go straight to jail, and judges rip them a new one. That is most definitely how the system is stacked up, especially in New York.
And a few years ago, when an officer secretly taped his bosses deliberately fudging statistics, that was just another case of biased recording devices...chronic issue, for sure.
I wonder why the author of that piece couldn't devote 30,000 exhaustive words for the article. Another conspiracy of course.
And a few years ago, when an officer secretly taped his bosses deliberately fudging statistics, that was just another case of biased recording devices...chronic issue, for sure. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Adrian_Schoolcraft
I wonder why the author of that piece couldn't devote 30,000 exhaustive words for the article. Another conspiracy of course.