Cheapshot: Rails HAS turned into Java, in so much both are riddled with security holes.
Longer-term view: Rails mocked the Java web eco-system in the early days because it was 'Enterprise', and Rails was the scrappy upstart with magic commands to scaffold a blog in 5 mins and show screencasts to the world. This sold a lot of books (without it would Pragmatic Programmer have even had a book store?).
Slowly, the rot set it, and the once light and nimble Rails become bloated as everyone added their pet features, their design pattersn (even though they would never call them that - that is so Java!), and the too-many-cooks-in-the-code-kitchen sprinkling so much magic and syntactic sugar around the codebase it practically causes diabetes.
Rails solved a problem for the company that wrote it. Since then people have been trying to shoe-horn it work with their business problem, and then found once they now have two problems.
Longer-term view: Rails mocked the Java web eco-system in the early days because it was 'Enterprise', and Rails was the scrappy upstart with magic commands to scaffold a blog in 5 mins and show screencasts to the world. This sold a lot of books (without it would Pragmatic Programmer have even had a book store?). Slowly, the rot set it, and the once light and nimble Rails become bloated as everyone added their pet features, their design pattersn (even though they would never call them that - that is so Java!), and the too-many-cooks-in-the-code-kitchen sprinkling so much magic and syntactic sugar around the codebase it practically causes diabetes.
Rails solved a problem for the company that wrote it. Since then people have been trying to shoe-horn it work with their business problem, and then found once they now have two problems.
The rest of us moved on.