äiti, anya (pronounced ~aaya) and avva are still compatible with the explanation.
The Telugu word is the formal name (corresponding to mother on Wikipedia). Are you familiar with the language?
We'd need statistics on the frequency of the first consonant utterance, and see if it correllates with the distribution of the names given to mothers by babies.
Yes, Telugu is my mother-tongue and Kannada is my first-language. In spoken Telugu today, 'amma' is far more common than 'talli'. In written Telugu, both are equally common. 'talli' has secondary meaning of just refering to any female. For example, "chitti talli" (little girl), "talli-tandrulu" (mother-father, i.e., parents), etc. Similar remarks apply to Kannada. Avva is informal and more common in rural dialects.
The Telugu word is the formal name (corresponding to mother on Wikipedia). Are you familiar with the language?
We'd need statistics on the frequency of the first consonant utterance, and see if it correllates with the distribution of the names given to mothers by babies.