It seems to have been by accident, as they were originally designing it to be a "systems" programming language to take on C++. What eventually happened is that most(?) Go programmers came from Python, Ruby, and other scripting languages.
> In Go, you would just use a for loop or a dictionary-based map. If your program gets to the point where that no longer cuts it, then it's time to move on to a different language.
It seems to have been by accident, as they were originally designing it to be a "systems" programming language to take on C++. What eventually happened is that most(?) Go programmers came from Python, Ruby, and other scripting languages.
> In Go, you would just use a for loop or a dictionary-based map. If your program gets to the point where that no longer cuts it, then it's time to move on to a different language.
So much for it being a "systems" language then :)