A degree in Philosophy = the same value as a degree in computer science. You come out knowing about as much as someone with 2 to 12 months of real life experience depending on how much you applied yourself. You shouldn't expect anyone who 'majored' in something to actually have applied it.
To get that experience I would challenge PG to go around
the internet and debate something like universalism vs
nominalism. You would have to take the nominalism side if
you think 'math' is 'science' and not philosophy. Remember
though, that bertrand russel was a universalist .. you know
.. that strange believe that numbers exist outside of the
human mind and are not physical, sort of like what Plato
PS forget Wittgenstein. To quote him: 'My propositions are
elucidatory in this way: he who understands me finally
recognizes them as senseless'.
To get that experience I would challenge PG to go around the internet and debate something like universalism vs nominalism. You would have to take the nominalism side if you think 'math' is 'science' and not philosophy. Remember though, that bertrand russel was a universalist .. you know .. that strange believe that numbers exist outside of the human mind and are not physical, sort of like what Plato believed.
PS forget Wittgenstein. To quote him: 'My propositions are elucidatory in this way: he who understands me finally recognizes them as senseless'.