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Dwarf Fortress in 2013 (gamasutra.com)
126 points by cpeterso on July 3, 2013 | hide | past | favorite | 83 comments

"It's not like people see our $50,000 a year and think 'Hey, I want a piece of that pie.' They'd much rather look towards things like Minecraft, where there are hundreds of millions of dollars."

The brothers have this massive, massive blindspot regarding the importance of the UI. That $50,000 cap they perceive is barely scratching the surface of what would be possible for them if they made the damn thing a bit more accessible to the average person. It's great that their small niche base loves ASCII art and doesn't mind fumbling their way through a hostile interface in order to play the game, but that is the primary reason the game stays confined within a tiny niche corner of the gaming market.

They have the real possibility that if they did that seed work, even just on exposing an API into the game, as opposed to venturing into a full-on UI overhaul, that enough new people would be introduced to the game that they could hire a third developer to focus specifically on the API and UI aspects of the game, leaving them free to keep working on the bits they love.

You are, of course, totally right.

But do you know much about dwarf fortress? The brothers have responded to questions about this a number of times (regarding UI) but more importantly than that, it appears that they don't particuarly care about making the big bucks.

They are totally happy just pottering along with a loyal hardcore following, earning a very middle class salary, doing something they are massively passionate about. In fact, it seems that what they have is all they ever want in life. They are in their nirvana.

Good for them!

I don't disagree with you. I think I'm just bitter because I hate bad UIs and it stops me from properly exploring the game. I don't understand why they don't care about the fact that so many people will never experience their creation because of the unnecessary barrier they've created.

Their creation has a bad UI. The barrier is a part of the work. You could take the swearing out of The Godfather in order to make it more accessible, but what people would be accessing would not really be The Godfather anymore.

The swearing in The GodFather is an important part of the story. It contributes to the end goal of those who made the film. The bad UI in Dwarf Fortress is not deliberate. It is the result of neglect of that aspect of the game. People who play the game and enjoy it do so despite the UI. I have yet to meet someone who thinks the existing UI makes the game better in any way.

It's not clear from your original top level post whether you've played the game and are complaining about the UI quirks described elsewhere in this thread, or if you're talking about the ASCII art.

If you're talking about the interface design, keyboard commands etc, ignore this comment.

If you're talking about the ASCII art I would say it absolutely is deliberate. DF is actually a sequel (Slaves to Armok, God of Blood, Chapter 2: Dwarf Fortress) and the first game was 3D. They chose to make DF a roguelike ASCII art game because if they had tried anything else, it wouldn't be half as deep as it is now. The ASCII art enables the depth that the game has developed.

As I said, if you are primarily arguing that they should keep the ASCII art and revamp the interface, you can safely ignore this comment.

> I don't understand why they don't care about the fact that so many people will never experience their creation because of the unnecessary barrier they've created.

Would people care to experience it if they could? I've always assumed with this (and a number of other things in life) that being a bit of a niche interest (or in this case a lot of a niche interest) in part creates the niche interest. There have been many rogue-a-likes with more modern interfaces but they have either not attracted or not managed to keep up the interest that this one has. Perhaps it is a nostalgia thing, perhaps it is a "nerd" thing; what-ever it is it works for them and their audience and changing the game to appeal to a larger audience might both fail to do so and make the existing fans wander off (and make it less enjoyable for the developers to work on: they seem to be getting quite a kick out of their baby and its current fans and don't want to lose that).

The comparison some make with minecraft on the "being a bit niche creating a niche" thing is quite fair, and this "if you were more like that you might have a much larger audience" comments perfectly valid, but minecraft's niche being an order of magnitude or few bigger might be in part due to luck (right thing, right time, critical mass didn't hit to early or too late, ...) rather than just the relative prettiness and intuitiveness.

Caveat: I've played neither Dwarf Fortress nor Minecraft, so I may not really have a clue what I'm talking about.

You falsely attribute a niche's draw to the fact that it's niche. I find it unlikely that people would base their interest in a game on its popularity, or lack thereof. If the game is fun, people will play it. If it's not, they won't.

There might actually be more to the "if it's niche, some people are more interested in it" mentality. It's anecdotal, yes, but I know that I have an odd tendency to prefer games that aren't hyper popular. New Call of Duty or Halo? I don't care how "well made" the game is, I won't play it. A tiny, unknown RPG/Rhythm game hybrid (Sequence)? I gobble it up. All my friends start playing one game? I play another. Etc. I wonder how many people might have some unconscious tendency to gravitate toward those games which are no very popular, or if I'm just an oddball.

Maybe DF being a niche helps in some way. I don't know. But I do know that the UI is, almost objectively, not good. I know it's why I stopped playing. Once you get more than 20 dwarfs or so, managing who does what is ridiculous. (at least without external tools. I think the popularity and almost necessity of some external tools really does show that the UI can be atrocious at some points. (also note this is not a comment on the ASCII nature of the game, that's fine))

But the game being different in the ways that make it get called niche are usually why people talk about it publicly. It is certainly a major part of the discussion on most occasions when I hear of it.

While the interface puts many people off once they are there, would the game get quite as much discussion if it was much more like other games rather than being somewhat more unique (for better or worse)?

I agree that if the game is fun people will play it. The problem is getting them to try the game for long enough to know if it is fun. Popularity is obviously a factor in achieving that since lots of people associate mass marketed products with blandness, juvenility, etc.

I can think of half a dozen people amongst my immediate social circle who have expressed interest in playing Dwarf Fortress "if it wasn't for the interface". Anecdote != data, but from my experience the building blocks of the game appeal to a lot of people who are thoroughly put off by its level of inaccessibility.

Haven't been following much of Dwarf Fortress, either, but according to the post, I'm confident that they care. For instance, the 1.0 version should have a more consistent interface, tutorials and context-sensitive help menus.

It's probably just that there are plenty more things that they care more about than revamping totally the UI.

I understand they're working on the game out of passion, but I feel like they should bite the bullet and spend a good chunk of one of their update cycles on the UI. I remember reading patch notes one time, where they literally re-wrote the entire damage system to account for more things. (swords don't do as much damage when wearing armor, maces cause bruises and broken bones through armor, etc.) It's not my project, and I don't want to sound entitled to something I can play for free, but I feel like they could take time away from simulating muscle fibers or something ridiculously detailed such as that, and make the game more easily playable. It honestly still feels like the debug interface a developer might put into a game with all the odd keys you have to press to activate one thing or another.

That said, they can work on what they want, as they're the developers. And they're providing the game free of charge to anyone who wants to play it. It's just a nice pipe dream of mine to be able to play the game without spending a month learning how to navigate the menus :)

> I hate bad UIs

You hate UIs you don't like. Which is a tautology. The interesting part here is that you've managed to convince yourself that UIs you don't like are objectively bad, and that anyone who does like such UIs is wrong in some factual way, as opposed to being 'wrong' in the purely subjective way everyone who disagrees with us on a matter of taste is.

Go too far in this direction and you end up with Jef Raskin, who disdained configurability because he thought he knew better than the people actually using the software how software should work.

There are plenty of things about UIs that are pretty objectively bad. Inconsistency, for one. I don't think there are lots of people who like having to memorize multiple ways of doing the same thing depending on the view.

Unless it's clear how to get from one view to the other and which view you use is optional. Then that might be a feature :)

All UIs are inconsistent to some extent, like with menus, or with how the steering wheel behaves when backing a car up. All we demand is that it be done well, which is a tautology.

Right, except it wasn't done well in this case. The game is great, the UI not so much. Some menus require the arrow keys to navigate, some +-, others hjkl.

It's been a while since I last played, but there is a "Designation" menu which orders your dwarves to perform specific tasks. You want them to build a staircase where there was some rock before? Awesome, they'll do it. You want them to build a staircase after you already mined the block? No can do. No warning, no error message, simply nothing happens. You need to go through the other menus, build a staircase and move it there.

Except it makes sense if you realize that designations are for changing existing terrain and the language reflects that, so using it to "carve [a] staircase" out of thin air doesn't really make sense. Building one from the buildings menu in a space that has been mined out does.

I admit there are problems with the dwarf fortress interface, major ones, like job management. However this is not one of those problems.

I'm afraid it is still a UI problem.

Or rather - it's also a problem of information architecture to borrow the parlance from another field. The internal logical structure shouldn't be reflected in the external UI unless it's intuitive or discoverable.

> Right, except it wasn't done well in this case.

According to you. Is it so hard to imagine others may disagree? Must you downvote?

Your 'this is all a tautology' point is neither interesting nor moves the conversation forward.

This is like making the point that the sky isn't really blue it just looks blue - technically correct, but unless you are answering the question of why it is blue, correcting somebody on this is boorish, not interesting.

In this case we are talking about Dwarf Fortress, near universally reviled for its interface, so yes, arguing that some people may theoretically prefer it is both hard to believe and makes it seem like you are just being contrarian.

> Must you downvote?

I must not. I have refrained from voting because opinions.

In interaction design we say that you can't design an experience, but you can design for an experience. We know quite a bit about humans, the psychology they approach an interface with, their physical abilities to use an interface. With this information and a target experience you want to design for, the design choices follow.

We can objectively measure things like whether a user approaching an interface can easily understand what options are available to them, whether the user can intuitively tell what actions to take to activate those options, whether at every point the user can tell what state the system is in through its interface.

It is absolutely true that if you are developing for, say, ascii-loving adult S.U.D. gamers your design requirements will be different than if you are developing for casual gaming tweens. But we can still say that the DF interface is pretty bad for the vast majority of users who want to play the game.

> But we can still say that the DF interface is pretty bad for the vast majority of users who want to play the game.

But instead UI people just say it's bad, period. That's the problem.

Is this not a short-sighted view?

A middle class salary they can survive on for how long? When that source of income dries up they'll be unable to continue working on their passion without spending time and effort finding an additional source of income.

Alternatively, if they open themselves up to a strategy enabling a greater income they could potentially retire in a very short time with indefinite financial security and the option to pursue their passion as long as they like.

I don't think you'll find many people disagreeing with you. It's a decision they've made. What else is there to say about it?

Taking the decision of living short-term in terms of salary can be a really liberating step in anyone's life. Especially if it is because of something you love passionately.

>A middle class salary they can survive on for how long?

Most middle class people aren't really financially independant either. 76% of people don't have any means to support themselves 6+ months out if they lose employment. Why should they?


> Most middle class people aren't really financially independant either.... Why should they?

Those people aren't really middle class. They just think they are.

"Middle class" has political and functional meanings beyond just "having near-average income". Nobody living paycheck-to-paycheck, no matter how big those paychecks are, can really function within the middle class.

The difference between lower class and middle class isn't income, it's assets. Because only assets beget independent economic and political power.

As recently as mid-20th century, an American talking about being "middle class" would have been referring to ownership of assets. Originally, of course, middle class was anyone who was neither a serf or a noble.

If you can't afford to tell your employer "fuck you" today, then you're a serf, and you have very little leverage.

You can be middle class and live paycheck-to-paycheck. There is nothing about that arrangement that prevents some folks from having assets, there is a reason the term "house poor" exists and there is a reason why foreclosure rates shot up for middle class people in the 2009 housing collapse.

Someone who is house poor has liabilities nearly as big as their assets, so their net assets are still nearly zero.

Nobody who actually owned their house free and clear got foreclosed on.

Again, if your existence is so tenuous, you are not middle class. At least not if the word still means what it meant for the past several hundred years.

Money is not the goal here, but it is a metric that indicates in general terms how engaged people are with what you're doing.

People are very engaged with Minecraft. It's spawned an entire subculture, and the impact it's had on gaming in general is considerable. It appeals to all ages, to people with wildly different expectations, and continues to provide an enjoyable experience for millions of regular users even years after they picked it up.

This is largely because you can do something useful, even if almost inconsequential, right away, and from there you can explore, discovering more depth, uncovering new aspects of the game, engaging with it by degrees. You can have fun without ever crafting a single thing, that's purely optional.

Dwarf Fortress is not any of these things and it's not for a lack of interesting content or game depth. It's that the interface is insane. It's only slightly more coherent than something like Losethos/TempleOS (http://www.templeos.org/). If you don't commit to learning Dwarf Fortress you won't be able to do anything.

I've tried on several occasions to get in to Dwarf Fortress, but the level of complexity is staggeringly high. There are tutorials that cover the basics, but these are hours long. The only game I've seen that's similar is the painstakingly realistic A10 simulator (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=huVi6rdPE4I) that has an 800 page manual. At least it has a manual, though!

User interface is extremely important. Don't think it's something users will get used to.

Totally agree, it's sad to see how companies tend to want to grow (alienating employees in the process), never let go of any client (giving them features beyond scope) and top executives wanting always bigger salaries (what do you really want with all that money anyway?)

Happiness, as elegance, is in simplicity.

It's not the ASCII interface. I love ASCII art, and they managed to pull a high information density. You have graphic tile sets too. Although fan-made, these have a great quality.

The problem is the inconsistent input system. The same task uses different shortcuts in each menu, which makes it hard to remember. Even selecting rectangular regions of the world is done in a particular way depending on what you are doing.

Inconsistency is awful for users.

But the thing is, you get over that. Would I trade some of the depth of features for a better interface? No. Would I make the combat arcade-like in return for a better interface? No.

I play the game for the fact that it is infinitely replayable. I play it so much that the menu is now ingrained into my very being. If the interface was to change, it would confuse me. It would take a lot of getting use to. It could work out better in the future, but right now, it at least works.

Everyone who plays it has different parts they like and dislike. Personally, I'd love it to have a nice API, so I didn't have to go through DFHack for every util I want to write. I'd pick that over a new UI.

Sure, it's inconsistent, but the inconsistency is consistent. I'll take that.

That's good for you, but you ran the gauntlet (the UI) and earned the level of comfort you now have with it. Just because you're one of the brave (and extremely patient and persistent) souls who have done so, does not mean that having to do so is a good thing, or is not a significant barrier to others.

> Would I trade some of the depth of features for a better interface?

But that's really not the tradeoff. A more consistent interface takes less total time to write and maintain than one that has one-offs for every situation. Inconsistency makes future development slower.

And we only see the tip of the interface iceberg. I find it highly unlikely that the internal interfaces between components are any better. Everything about Dwarf Fortress gives the impression that their source code is probably a nightmare.

Which doesn't matter, of course, so long as it runs -- until you want new features and progress grinds down to a crawl.

(Just having fun analogy time as I wake up, once I got rollin it just kinda got outta control)

I don't actually use C++, not since about 2005 anyway, but like many on HN that won't stop expressing strong opinions on the UI. The semicolons dripping everywhere are a massive UI problem. Makes it look like a Perl obfuscation competition. A modern language like Intercal does not use semicolons, well, not as much. They need to get with the program and use UTF-8 so I can program in my native Klingon. I'm sure this Stroustrup character likes his language very much, thank you, but he could make a heck of lot more money, for a lot longer, if he replaced the UI with something a little more modern and polished, like a mobile iphone app where you can end your statement lines with pink hearts and smiley faces. And C++ needs social networking and multiplayer.

C++ also has a horribly inconsistent UI, look at these two ways to add one:

blah = blah + 1;



How is the average noob off the street supposed to handle inconsistency? There should only be one way to do it; just like sex. And don't get me started on those Perl heathens.

Its just a hostile UI and C++ would be more accessible to the average person with a better UI. Because the only people who matter are the average people, F those outliers.

That's nice that some people have buckled down and learned all the peculiarities of the existing C++ UI, but we'll just have to abandon them with our "improvements". I have Stroustrup's latest edition of C++ and its bigger than my metro area phone book, which is far too long compared to the copy of K+R I got in 1983 or so which was so small it was mistaken for a copy of readers digest. Heck even "Modern Perl" sitting on my desk right now is only 280 pages in dead tree form.

Niches are inherently bad and we should all want to either conform or dominate those who conform, so its inherently, of itself, bad, if only a fraction of the population "gets" what they're doing. Just like art and music! Quantity has a quality all its own. Can't they just watch football like normal guys? I mean ten trillion horseflies can't all be wrong, or however that goes.

>The brothers have this massive, massive blindspot regarding the importance of the UI.

No they don't. They keep saying over and over again that they know the UI is bad, and they know it drives away potential players. They said it right in this very article even. I am always amazed at how many people are so desperate to tell others how to run their affairs that they invent false ignorance in others so they can step in and tell them how to do things.

For anyone unfamiliar with Dwarf Fortress and wondering what all the fuss is about, I recommend the classic 'Boatmurdered' chronicles:


It's a fairly long read, but as always when Dwarf Fortress is involved, it's well worth the effort.

It's also hilariously outdated, to the point that the game had a whole dimension less than it does now.

Still a great read though

I loved reading Boatmurdered many months ago; is there anything of similar quality that reflects the current state of affairs in DF?

Bravemule (http://www.bravemule.com) is a great read, and it's a lot more current that Boatmurdered.

Not quite the same, but an awesome glimpse of the story-telling potential of this game:


Sadly, no. While there are numerous different attempts at LPs and stories within DF, nothing manages to both capture the game itself while being laugh out loud funny. It really is one of those rarely replicated gems.

Edit: Although I will say that Tim Denee's attempts come closest (see jayrobin's comment https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=5983250).

The Dwarf Fotress Headshoots LP is from 2009, but it is a 3D version of Dwarf Fortress. I have seen it mentioned as equivalent to the Boatmurdered.

There is a Hall of Legends on the forums. I recommend Nist Akath for humor and excitement. His fighting dwarves become unbelievable.

If the history of Dwarf Fortress interests you, I recommend you check out the history of roguelike games (probably the nerdiest of all my passions.) Dungeon Crawl: Stone Soup, for example, is a beautiful illustration of applying open source software development tenets to a massive game, as dozens of contributors have continuously evolved and enhanced it over time (and its massively fun to boot.)

Speaking of the history of roguelikes, I've been pretty impressed by Nicolas Casalini, aka Darkgod. I'm not sure exactly how long he's been involved in the scene, but he's been developing since at least Pernband back in the late 90s.

His Tome2, in the early part of the last decade, was arguably the pinnacle of old-school band style roguelikes (as opposed to the hack style popularized by nethack, or more modern, user-friendly ones that have been cropping up the past couple years). The current Tales of Maj'Eyal is one of the most polished, engaging roguelikes I've come across.

I like in this particular article, how the interviewer delves into how it is possible to sustain interest in coding a single game for so long (and potentially for decades). Anyone who has coded games as a single dev probably knows how bogged down you get as the game becomes more complex. Generating graphics yourself is a huge time suck which they have neatly avoided. What's intriguing is that the game design appears to be flexible enough to spend time coding mineralogy and then jumping to say horticulture while still being manageable. It would be interesting to know more about the design to see why it is so extensible.

I've been reading articles about this fascinating game for several days now, but haven't had the guts to invest the time into it given its steep learning curve. Kudos to these guys for doing exactly what they want to do and (yet) still making a living by coding.

Ever since I read the NY Times article posted here a couple years ago (see below), I have had a similar response. I love reading about Dwarf Fortress, but I'm hesitant to actually try it.


You guys should just try the game. There have been a few articles that highlight the difficulty of the game but that is only in comparison to modern console games targeted at soda guzzling teens with a one second attention span.

You can grok the basics of the game in an hour or so by following a beginner tutorial. During your first few hours you will fail your first few fortresses.

After your first session, you should have a grasp of things and the next time you should be able to just pick up the game and get back to it.

I think the time suck aspect of this game is exaggerated a lot. You can pause and save the game at any point and get back to it later.

There's one thing that some of the tutorials and introductions don't make clear: you control the fortress, not the individual dwarfs.

"There have been a few articles that highlight the difficulty of the game but that is only in comparison to modern console games targeted at soda guzzling teens with a one second attention span"

No. Your assertion is that the only likely improvement to the UI would be a simple gamepad-mashing interface. DF is difficult even compared to programs with a complicated UI and games with a "normal" steep learning curve. Not wanting to battle through an insane UI does not equate one to a "soda guzzling teen".

No, his assertion wasn't that the only likely improvement to the UI would be a simple gamepad-mashing interface.

And nowhere was is implied that not wanting to battle through an insane UI does not equate one to a "soda guzzling teen".

Seriously. I play and love the grand strategy games Paradox Interactive makes (Crusader Kings, Europa Universalis, Victoria, etc.), and those are some pretty complicated, hard-to-get-into games. And yet even I look at Dwarf Fortress and think "man, that's impossible."

Completely agree. Dwarf Therapist kinda shows how you can improve the UI without dumbing the game in itself down

Well - you CAN order your dwarves around. It's just ludicrously complex.

You can also manipulate world-gen so you have an easier time of it (making the game essentially Harvest Moon with occasional killer fish), but where's the fun in that?

As someone who played far too much emulator Harvest Moon, I think you are selling short the prospect of such a game + occasional killer fish.

Thanks for the encouragement. Think I'll give it a go, or I guess begin my descent in to losing (whereby losing == fun).

You guys should try it. Get the LazyNewbPack, that is a windows bundle which comes with a few utils, tilesets etc. Check out the wiki (http://dwarffortresswiki.org/), it's the best website on the internet. If you're still stuck, visit the df subreddit and ask for help, the people there are pretty awesome (http://www.reddit.com/r/dwarffortress).

It takes some getting into, but once you're in, you're in.

It's actually a lot more accessible than it seems.

For anyone interested in learning to play DF, I highly recommend YouTube user 51ppycup's "Dwarf Fortress for Dummies" series - he gets the basics across really well and you'll be striking the earth in no time.

Dwarf Fortress for Dummies 2012: http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLD1A3FE72C0DCAC66

Do you know of any recent non-video tutorials. Personally I really don't find them very easy to follow. Pausing and trying to jump back and forward is thoroughly annoying. Besides laziness I'm not sure why people make video tutorials at all for anything technical but that might be just me. Text with screenshots is miles ahead. Again, IMHO. Making video tutorials, especially unrehearsed and unedited with tons of Uhhmm eh, and now then... <lost train of thought> are just lazy versus text + screenshots.

These ones were ok, but they were too slow in places and too fast in other places; I had a hard time learning much from them without continuously reverting back to the wiki to figure out what I really can or should do.

> but haven't had the guts to invest the time into it given its steep learning curve

And by steep, you mean vertical.

Actually, flat.

A learning curve usually is time on x-axis and knowledge-percentage on y-axis. If knowledge-percentage only slowly increases the curve is flat. A nearly vertical curve means you learn fast.

This is a little bit like educating people about kerning [0]. For another example, a "quantum leap" is basically the smallest possible leap you can do.

[0] http://xkcd.com/1015/

I always assumed the "learning curve" is the curve required to make progress in the game, i.e. the x-axis is "progress in the game" and the y-axis is "knowledge-percentage".

Most learning curves I've seen actually imply the reverse, with time on the y-axis and knowledge on the x-axis.

In that case, a learning curve is a sort of visual hill with a steepness indicating difficulty of progression.

Or if by vertical he means running face first into a wall...

Upvotes for both though...

It's a wall with electrified spikes on top. And armed guards instructed to shoot on sight. And rabid dogs. And behind the wall there are other walls.

I tried to start the game 5 times. The first 3 I could not even start a game. The 4th one I followed a tutorial and was able to start, and nothing else. The fifth time, I found Captnduck's excellent video tutorials ( http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=koZUS2h-Yzc ), and I was finally able to break into the game.

Then they added a whole layer of complexity to the military (with a lot of new UI quirks) and I just stopped playing.

It's best to stay away until you have a chunk of time, because it sucks you in so much..

If you are just curious about the game, there are many "Let's Play Dwarf Fortress" videos on YouTube. Expert players talk through the game features and progression.

Any recommendations for non-players looking to get sucked into whatever it is that makes it so intriguing?

Tim Denee's two infographic/comics on his [1]Bronzemurder and [2]Oilfurnace fortresses were what finally convinced me to take the plunge.

I knew basically nothing of the game, so found a random [3]step-by-step tutorial and actually did pretty well until I accidentally killed the mayor, several other nobles and half my standing army at the grand opening of the new great drawbridge due to a...Minor malfunction.

The biggest three tips I can give are:

A. get a texture pack. I'm sure many people love the ASCII, but actually seeing dwarf and goblin icons removed one more thing for me to learn at the beginning.

B. download Dwarf Therapist. It's a great external UI for managing the roles of your dwarves.

C. don't be afraid to fail, because you will. Often.



[3]http://afteractionreporter.com/2009/02/09/the-complete-and-u... (warning, may be out of date!)

That bronzemurder story is fantastic, I started playing DF the other week and although I move and plan quite slowly, it's very fun.

I'm actually building on a pregenerated world right now where there are 2 cliff faces and waterfalls across from each other. Aquifer's are really annoying though.

Do you know of any texture packs that don't make the map 'zoom' level extremely high? Most of the texture packs seem to be made for large and specific resolutions, I play a smaller window mode on mba (1366x768).

Thanks to that tutorial I made absolutely sure my starting point was aquifer-free, but I might try with one at some point just for the challenge.

I use Phoebus' Graphics Pack on my 1024x600 netbook and it seems ok, but I'm pretty used to a tiny screen and resolution so it might not be what you're after.

I like Captain Duck who has a bunch of tutorials and Lets Plays along with a soothing Dutch accent. http://www.youtube.com/user/captnduck

To get a great flavour of dwarf fortress in a longer written form. You can't go wrong with boatmurdered, which is a game where each player took a year (I think) of playing the fortress and then handed on to the next player to pick up the pieces and carry on. http://lparchive.org/Dwarf-Fortress-Boatmurdered/

Unfortunately, I don't think that Dwarf Fortress is a game that is enjoyable if you just look at someone else playing it. There's too much little stuff going on in the screen to figure out what the big stuff is and the pace of the game can be slow. There are a few good video tutorials, though.

Just try the game.

edit: there are some tools you can use to visualize your dungeons and what is going on there. There might be nice videos of some 3d-renderings of fortresses that might be nice to give you an idea of the game.

I'm biased as a long time player but with a graphics tile set I don't think the graphics are any worse than your average DOS or console game from the early 90s.

The only problem is the input system but anyone who has mastered Unix can easily master DF.

> "We've just had our mitts on this one for a long time without passing it along," he says, "but that's not going to be a forever thing, obviously. It's only going to stay afloat as long as people keep it afloat, right?"

> "I think the game has actually gotten easier compared to what it was in 2006," Adams reasons. "It's not really the mechanics that matter so much, since a lot of the mechanics in DF are under the table. A lot of the updates don't matter either -- I mean, I spent a month on beekeeping, but you're not confronted with beekeeping, and you don't need to learn how to do it, but if you want to make wax crafts and honey, then it's an avenue you can explore."

Perhaps it's the language weenie in me, but I can't help but think they're doing this wrong. If you're going to work on something for 30 years (with the Moore's law that implies), wouldn't it make a heck of a lot of sense to use the highest-level language you can, start building up DSLs for specific things like crafts, and other strategies so you don't spend a month hacking on a sprawling C++ codebase just to add in beekeeping?

I literally just got into this game. It's amazing. Was it different in previous years?

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