I've made a complete wiki engine (with also search engine integrated), which is easily skinable etc. (it's still at an early stage) , you can find an instance here http://en.baike.jisuanjiwenti.com/
You can check the line of code and the architecture of it, to have also developed with some PHP framework, I didn't find anything "weird" or to far from my old habit (and I do prefer compile-time check and possibility to run my server in gdb)
I've made a complete wiki engine (with also search engine integrated), which is easily skinable etc. (it's still at an early stage) , you can find an instance here http://en.baike.jisuanjiwenti.com/
You can check the line of code and the architecture of it, to have also developed with some PHP framework, I didn't find anything "weird" or to far from my old habit (and I do prefer compile-time check and possibility to run my server in gdb)
In order to help me create faster application with cppcms, I've started to create a framework upon cppcms here https://github.com/allan-simon/cppcms-skeleton