I agree high school may be mostly worthless for people who are set on one particular career path. My brother wanted to be a cook - dropped out of HS - and now attends the Culinary Institute of America. Should graduate at 19 w/ a degree & mucho work exp.
Still, this seems to come back to PG's hackers & painters essay. I agree w/ him that the best people in any given field are those that don't stay entirely w/in that field. Living completely w/in the realm of domain specific knowledge is like living in a fishbowl. There are other waters & aquariums - if you swim in them a little bit you can learn enough so you can decorate yours a little better. At least that's my two bits.
Also, doesn't look like you got down-modded for your MS comment so I don't think you can claim to be on the receiving end of any hatred. For my part, if you said google/yahoo/ibm my response would be the same. I just don't want that for my kids.
Still, this seems to come back to PG's hackers & painters essay. I agree w/ him that the best people in any given field are those that don't stay entirely w/in that field. Living completely w/in the realm of domain specific knowledge is like living in a fishbowl. There are other waters & aquariums - if you swim in them a little bit you can learn enough so you can decorate yours a little better. At least that's my two bits.
Also, doesn't look like you got down-modded for your MS comment so I don't think you can claim to be on the receiving end of any hatred. For my part, if you said google/yahoo/ibm my response would be the same. I just don't want that for my kids.