"We Can't Afford to Sell the Pre to the Wrong Customers." @ page 11
Was this really leaked? If so, it goes to show that they really have a focus on their customers. Otherwise, it might just be part of their marketing strategy.
Yet the comparison charts mentions "Exclusive NASCAR Content" and "Live TV" in the same breath as "Physical Keyboard", which seems totally tone-death for a business-oriented phone.
My understanding is that it is not supposed to be a business phone. It is supposed to be a middle-of-the-road phone, excellent for both your business life (like a black berry) and personal life (like an iphone). So these being in the same breath makes perfect sense.
Thought so too, but the "right buyer" requirement doesn't seem like a publicity stunt. They're trying to avoid early exposure of the device to large corporate buyers that:
1) have security procedures for mobile devices.
2) have specific business apps.
3) demand specific mobile features.
4) centrally allocate and distribute devices to employees.
I think Palm lacks the infrastructure to accommodate large organizations at the moment, and is trying to avoid any negative reviews in the trade "CIO literature" until it has its house in order. For now Palm is happy to sell to the "Maverick" corporate employees who is free to plug any FCC approved device to office computer.
Was this really leaked? If so, it goes to show that they really have a focus on their customers. Otherwise, it might just be part of their marketing strategy.