The whole point is that "conflicting" updates to a single column is supposed to cause overwrites ("data loss"). If I wanted to keep multiple values in a column around I'd use a Map or a Set instead!
Maybe the disconnect is that in Riak, you have to fetch the existing document before modifying it anyway, so there is a lot of "update-based-on-existing-document" code around. Cassandra is designed to encourage "blind," idempotent updates instead.
If I wanted to keep multiple values in a column around I'd use a Map or a Set instead!
[edit: thanks iamalesky, correction on cell keys]
If you're following along at home, Lists are implemented by choosing a UUID cell key for each distinct element of the collection; Maps and Sets use the key and value, respectively. The conflict resolution function applied at read time is, for Sets, set union, plus tombstones elements for deletion. Depending on the resolution strategy used, similar consistency anomalies to LWW may be present; e.g clock skew allows for various possible outcomes of logically concurrent mutation of a collection.
In case you are talking about Cassandra collections (maps and sets), and not abstract maps/sets, then you are wrong. Only CQL3 Lists work like that - there are no UUIDs anywhere in CQL3 maps/sets implementations.
Doesn't this assume that both writers want their value for the column to win, instead of one of them possibly deciding that it shouldn't write it's value if one already exists for the field?
Correct. But, in that case vector clocks does not help you either [unless you are okay with both writers thinking they have "won" for an unbounded period of time]; what you really need is true linearizability:
Maybe the disconnect is that in Riak, you have to fetch the existing document before modifying it anyway, so there is a lot of "update-based-on-existing-document" code around. Cassandra is designed to encourage "blind," idempotent updates instead.