Would this reduce administration cost also? We always hear of charities where 20 cents on the dollar actually makes it to the people. If this can reduce admin cost by not having to make, control or follow up on conditions it could really help more money get to where it is needed.
Yes, that's one of the main advantages. Also an advantage is that no money is lost dealing with the corruption that is so rampant in many underdeveloped countries.
There's a great Planet Money/This American Life episode about this topic:
The article states the UCT's have less admin costs but are still not as good as CCT.
Which is the point of admin costs, the money goes where's it's needed and not wasted.
This article is just about the fact UCT's are not a total waste of money, they are not the best way, but people are quite surprised they are better than just burning it.
Perhaps it can be used as food for thought for future CCT hybrids.