Wow, haven't seen that. Agree it appears unprofessional and frat-ish. On the other hand, he may have found this colloquial tone is more effective than a professional one given the specific audience they are communicating with (people that publish youth- and music-oriented blogs).
I feel that being able to communicate in a traditionally-professional manner increases overall chance of success. But this is only because it is generally accepted that such a tone can signal trustworthiness. So even more important is the ability to communicate trustworthiness, whatever that may precisely mean, and the exact parameters of this vary by correspondents. If the people you truly value are skeptical of symbols of tradition and establishment, then a good marketing practice would be to adopt an anti-establishment brand.
So while I'm aware of tone, I try to refrain from overreacting to it, and try to give the content/actions a fair shake. All that said, in this particular case of collusive link building, I do find him shady and abusive/disrespectful toward the internet community.
I've always found them reasonably professional, particularly their evidence-driven handling of the Heroku load distribution debacle.