<div className='foo'>bar</div> -->
React.DOM.div({ className: 'foo', children: 'bar' })
You don't have to use it - it's a convenience provided for designers (and arguably developers who have realised that templating provides a false separation of concerns). Om notably (https://github.com/swannodette/om) ignores it.
> JSX transforms from an XML-like syntax into native JavaScript.
[0] http://facebook.github.io/react/docs/jsx-in-depth.html
<div className='foo'>bar</div> -->
React.DOM.div({ className: 'foo', children: 'bar' })
You don't have to use it - it's a convenience provided for designers (and arguably developers who have realised that templating provides a false separation of concerns). Om notably (https://github.com/swannodette/om) ignores it.