Julia's standard library includes a host of mathematical functions, in addition to the standard operators. Complex numbers are also supported, using the built-in im unit:
lcm(54, 392, 232) # least common multiple
e^(pi * im)
log(e ^ 2) + log10(100)
When you're ready, type "next" to continue
julia> round(pi)
no method round(MathConst{:π},)
To give some context, several common math constants are use the MathConst type to provide multi-precision constants. This allows e.g. a*pi to be extremely accurate if a is, e.g. a BigInt.
round(x) only works for a few specialised types of x. help(round) tells you that it will return the same type then. Of course for a type of MathConst{:π}, that won’t work. For generic types, you need to at least specify the number of digits (round(pi, 3)). (See also: methods(round))