This is really great. It's really easy to disincentivize the right behavior. If you point out every typo in a first draft, then people aren't going to let you see work that's not "90%" done, even if you tell them to bring you a "30% draft."
Actually, I'm explicitly saying don't worry about that stuff when you come to me for 30% feedback. I don't want you to have to worry about whether you're being respectful of me. I simply want to be helpful, and I'm giving you freedom to deal with those typos, misaligned pixels, unformatted images, broken links on your own schedule.
I suspect both parent comment and OP are using the idiom of "typo" to refer to any inconsequential issue. That pixel is misaligned, that tone of green is different from that tone of green, there Lorem Ipsum text, etc.
But if I have the word Meat instead of Meet or Their instead of There, than yeah, you should probably correct me at any stage.