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Lisp: A Language for Internet Scripting and Programming (1998) [pdf] (norvig.com)
119 points by jwdunne on March 1, 2014 | hide | past | favorite | 110 comments

As I was reading, I couldn't help but thinking about why the world didn't turn out this way, and I came to the conclusion that in 1998 the only two companies who realized that the future of the web was the browser were Microsoft and AOL. [1] The rough isomorphism between HTML and Lisp S-expressions [2] was an obvious technical advantage over JavaScript and among the Lisps, though tellingly not the case with Scheme, the association list was already in place to do all the work that JSON has come to perform in exactly the same way but for syntax.

AOL of course destroyed Netscape after purchasing it by encumbering itself and all it touched with an East Coast Big Dumb Company mindset. It wasn't until years later when Google started seeing Microsoft as the competition that anyone else treated the browser strategically. By that time, JavaScript had won just by showing up in IE 6 and in the legacy Mozilla carried from Netscape.

What might have happened if Yahoo had decided the browser was strategic instead of living off banner ad revenue at the expense of increasing irrelevance? They had Graham and the Viaweb team, and so some manager decided to port their code to C++ and the rest, as they say, is history that never was.

[1] It is interesting to think that Apple would build its future in ways that treated the browser as a commodity - first with the iPod and then with the app store.

[2] See Slava Akhmechet's The Nature of Lisp. It's definitely worth reading: http://www.defmacro.org/ramblings/lisp.html

> among the Lisps, though tellingly not the case with Scheme, the association list was already in place

An association list is just a list which elements are conses. I'm fairly certain that cons, car and cdr were part of Scheme since the beginning and they are all you need to build assoc and friends. Scheme lacked a proper hashtable datatype though, which was present in some other Lisps.

Agreed. I was thinking of property lists which are not part of Scheme symbols. Would that I had been clearer.

he was talking about scope here. hashes do not help much.

assoc lists were important to implement dynamic environments simple and fast, which is not so easy with hash tables. In assoc lists you tolerate duplicates, but by putting new at the beginning you override/"shadow" the old ones, until you leave scope and use the old assoc list. and share the data! with hashes you have to actively delete or copy the tables. non-efficient and very complicated.

They're really neat. When I learned about them it emphasised that it's amazing what a handful of cons cells and some thin air can do.

> Simple debugging. This is an area where AI techniques could be quite helpful. Detecting and explaining common syntax and runtime errors is a crucial step in teaching a new language. Tools which provide this type of support could increase the interest in this language in the mainstream. Our current debugging support is minimal and provides only the basic commands: step, skip, and continue.

I have given some thought to this in the past. Has there ever been a serious attempt at this?

Sometimes the error messages for really simple mistakes (missing semicolon, wrong punctuation, etc.) are obtuse and almost completely meaningless. Of course, if it were easy to give simple, clear error message in such cases, they resulting message would be simple, so it's other complexities that get in the way. The biggest problem I see is that having labelled training data, e.g. source code that fails compilation along with the specific actual error, is unlikely, and having an expert provide small, self-contained examples is unlikely to be useful (really, enough training data to be effective) in real world errors, even when novice programs are fairly small.

Edit: I was just thinking about this, and with prudent use of a VCS, labelled training data would just be pairs of the form <commit that fails, next commit that compiles>. It would be interesting to see if it's possible to pull useful data from exiting history, or if some level of restraint is necessary in practice. Really, I'm just thinking about the precipice of supervised and unsupervised learning here.

For syntax errors, check out: http://research.swtch.com/yyerror

It's not "AI" but I think it's a much more practical approach that any parser could implement, with enough work and feedback.

I haven't used Go enough to know if this technique makes a qualitative difference on the friendliness of error messages. Interested to hear opinions.

I've used Go for a personal project for a bit now and the compiler output is pretty good and consistent; beats Python and C++, I'd say.

Among the differences between Felleisen's "Student Languages" and Racket proper is the higher quality of their error messages. Howev err, it's not a function of AI but of the much smaller size of the DSL's and a more narrowly defined purpose.

Here's a link to PG's essay and speech excerpts on why Lisp is great for web-based applications (2001) - http://www.paulgraham.com/lwba.html

PG delivered a similar message to my undergraduate CS class in 1996/7 as a guest speaker when he was working on Viaweb and extolling the virtues of LISP for server-side web applications.

It's strange that it took so long for someone to mention pg. Viaweb was written in lisp, and the site we're on is in arc, a lisp dialect.

>The syntactic and semantic simplicity of LISP enables non-experts to quickly master a basic level of LISP programming.

For Scheme this might hold true. But most Common Lisp programs I've seen are beyond hairy.

Plus, the (classic intro-to-LISP) notion that "it has a simple syntax with few constructs so it must be easy to program in" has to die.

Assembly has very simple syntax too. I wouldn't write a large program in it.

> "Plus, the (classic intro-to-LISP) notion that "it has a simple syntax with few constructs so it must be easy to program in" has to die. Assembly has very simple syntax too. I wouldn't write a large program in it."

Suppose we amend that to simple high-level constructs?

I don't think I've ever picked up a language as fast as I picked up scheme. Not even python.

Scheme's extremely simple* but it's a perverse simplicity.

My experience from tutoring CS students in Scheme back in the day was that it usually either clicked immediately, or not at all. The folks who'd perhaps never get good at it aren't necessarily poor programmers. I don't know that any of them were great programmers, but that might be my prejudice as someone who was having a hard time teaching them a programming language. Some of them went on to get more impressive ones than the one I have, so probably definitely it was just prejudice. Anyway, the point remains, I've met a lot of people who struggled with Scheme, and it was most certainly not for want of smarts. My best guess is that it's just that the language is only suitable for people who have a certain approach to thinking that's perhaps unusual.

* And beautiful - easily one of the most lovely languages I know.

I believe this is where Common Lisp got it right and scheme got it wrong. The scheme designers wanted a more pure language when often, the dirty imperative method is desirable. Common lisp has many features to make programming of real, large-scale projects easy (a great example is looping constructs which are often more obvious and easier than the more 'pure' tail recursion preference of scheme).

Scheme has plenty of dirty imperative methods, if you want. Their names end with `!`, like `set!` to mutate a variable. In most cases it's cleaner to be purely functional, but it's not required.

Predicates end with `?`, like `equal?`.

This naming and consistency makes it easier to learn Scheme.

What makes Common Lisp more practical is libraries. Hairy and crufty some may be, but many of them, and many of good quality. You know the old saying about how X is a badly implemented version of half of Common Lisp.

The Scheme-descendant Racket is, however, plenty practical in this regard.

I really don't like the Common Lisp naming and the 2-space nature of the language makes this even worse. The conflict of the implementors appears in many places. I like many things about scheme, but I won't whitewash it's problems.

Non-standard, non-portable racket libraries aren't the answer to scheme's basic nature (though I believe r7rs-large will solve a lot of these issues). More serious dealbreakers in my work are the lack of declare, no built-in OOP, and no spec for optional and keyword parameters.

Scheme has other issues too such as the inability to turn off continuations (they are great in some situations, but can cause performance issues and specifically cause increased memory usage).

Racket's extensive collection of libraries aren't meant to answer anything about Scheme -- they're for Racket. That's why we changed the name.

Racket is, however, a great answer to "is there a Lisp that's both conceptually consistent and has lots of libraries".

If you're using it seriously and for a significant period of time, the time and effort spent initially learning a programming language ends up becoming a smaller and less relevant factor.

What ends up mattering most is how productive you are once you're familiar with it. This is where a language like Python, and most other widely used languages, tend to be much better than Scheme for most programmers.

Scheme may be easier to learn initially, but it's generally much less useful in the long run in most cases.

The discussion might be irrelevant, but nevertheless the discussion is about ease to learn.

Racket is the answer to schemes practicality problems.

Note to any future academic paper writers: Please include a date in your paper. Thanks.

Judging from Norvig's employment, this is at least 10 years old. And also from SILK, which later evolved to JScheme, which is now used in e.g. Scheme Droid interpreter for Android.


This is from 1998, and Peter Norvig has long since switched to Python.

  "LISP - a Language for Internet Scripting and Programming",

  Timothy J. Hickey, Peter Norvig, and Ken Anderson

  LUGM'98: Proceedings of Lisp in the Mainstream, Nov. 1998, Berkeley, CA.
As per http://www.cs.brandeis.edu/~tim/

Any lisper who needs to make a living will switch to anything. Usually, that doesn't remove any merit to lisp or the lisper.

Browser makers like Mozilla have had the option, at any time, to enable the use of Lisp (or any other language) in the place of Javascript. Nothing uniquely qualifies Javascript.

While nothing uniquely "requires' Javascript, replacing it in an existing browser is no easy feat. Look at how much work has gone into making Dart work just in Chrome.

And if any browser is going to replace Javascript, it's going to be Chrome (first), not Firefox - Mozilla is doubling-down on Javascript with both asm.js and FirefoxOS. Google is doubling-down on efforts to replace and/or subvert Javascripts, with both Dart and NaCl.

Nothing uniquely qualifies Javascript now, but being the status quo is a qualification of sorts. Replacing (or adding a second option of) a scripting language for the DOM in an existing browser is going to be tough, regardless of what the existing language is (which happens to be Javascript in all modern browsers).

Replacing (or adding a second option of) a scripting language for the DOM in an existing browser is going to be tough, regardless of what the existing language is (which happens to be Javascript in all modern browsers).

I'm not sure about that, DOM access is a bit of a mess and the js stdlib is not great either, it wouldn't be hard to improve on it. It's a real shame we've ended up in a situation where the only API for manipulating the DOM is in js - script tags were not initially intended to be js only. Switching language would be the perfect opportunity to create a proper standard library for the web, by looking at the organic mess which is DOM access, js animation, etc, extracting the good parts, and throwing away all the rest. If it significantly improved dev productivity, and was available as a plugin initially for all browsers, people might be willing to experiment with it.

There are political and technical problems with doing that of course, but it would be a great step forward for web development, and is not at all beyond the reach of a big browser vendor. I agree if it were to be anyone, it'd be Google.

> I'm not sure about that, DOM access is a bit of a mess and the js stdlib is not great either, it wouldn't be hard to improve on it

You'll get no disagreement from me about the JS stdlib. I was shocked when I found the "correct" way to extract the day of the week from a Date object in Javascript (without third-party libraries): https://stackoverflow.com/questions/4822852/javascript-how-t... [0]

It would be a great feat if/when someone does it. But saying that "Browser makers like Mozilla have had the option, at any time, to enable the use of Lisp (or any other language) in the place of Javascript" sort of ignores the amount of work required to actually do this (properly).

[0] Of course, this code does already exist internally, as evidenced by (new Date).toString(); you just can't access it.

Many languages have a great stdlib already available, all they need is an improved version of the DOM glue for events and elements (find, adjust, add). It is doable, and the vast majority of script-browser interaction is merely to find and adjust the state of some DOM elements and respond to clicks etc. You could start small and build up and still have something useful, though security and sandboxing might be the hardest issues to cover. New native platform APIs on the desktop or mobile are rewritten from the ground up regularly and those are far, far larger projects (e.g. on Mac OS Classic, Appkit, UIKit, etc).

I think the problem has not been so much that this task is incredibly difficult, but that browser vendors have very little incentive to add a new language in addition to js - it's already a money and time sink maintaining a browser, so they're not going to volunteer to make more work for themselves without a payoff for the corporation paying the bills.

I'm not sure asm.js is a bet on JavaScript, per se. It makes using other languages easier without resorting to a whole new language like Dart, or dependencies on certain platforms with NaCl.

It's not fair to claim NaCl is restricted to any platform since all implementations now use PNaCl.

I didn't say it was restricted to a platform, but that it depends on certain platforms, one of which is PNaCl. asm.js does not depend on the existence of such a platform, since it is backwards compatible with JavaScript.

All the API's available in JavaScript are not accessible from asm.js, you can only use asm.js for numerical code. Emscripten has to wrap all those JavaScript libraries. Pepper makes the need for wrapping obsolete, since you just call directly into the functions provided by the sandbox.

GL is easy because it requires no types. Everything that is required is included in the intersection of JavaScript and C++. More highlevel API's are harder, and that's why we don't see any wrappers for e.g. WebRTC in Emscripten.

Not even "in place of" but "in addition to". There's a reason that the script tag has a language attribute as part of the standard.

I'm afraid you're browser doesn't support XScript, please download Chrome Explorer 310.

On a serious note, JavaScript and the lack of fragmentation is one of the best features of Web. You don't have to download appropriate browsers (in theory and mostly in practice) to run your website.

> I'm afraid you're browser doesn't support XScript, please download Chrome Explorer 310.

But this sort of thing already happens all the time. You don't have the right flash player, or the right silverlight player, or the right version of Java. There would be very little difference in the UX between different scripting languages and the current UX w.r.t. media codexes, and the end result would be the same in both cases: there would be some repertoire of languages and codexes that everyone uses and become standard.

The alternative is to forever have to deal with a language that by design cannot even handle integer math or unicode strings properly.

> But this sort of thing already happens all the time. You don't have the right flash player, or the right silverlight player, or the right version of Java.

That's exactly the point. Imagine dozens of them.

Dozens of what? Browser plugins? I don't have to imagine, that's the world we live in. Dozens of languages? I very much doubt that will happen. Just as we only have a small handful of codexes that actually matter (Flash, Silverlight, H264, maybe ogg) I predict that we will end up with a small number of languages that actually matter: Javascript, Python, Ruby, and Scheme. Maybe CL.

IMHO that would be a better world than the one we currently live in. Javascript is serviceable for its original purpose, but for serious webapps it's broken beyond redemption. NOTE: This is not to say that it is impossible to write serious webapps in Javasceript. Obviously it is possible. What I mean is that at some point the aggregate cost of dealing with Javascript's design flaws becomes greater than the aggregate cost of dealing with multiple browser scripting languages.

> Dozens of what? Browser plugins? I don't have to imagine, that's the world we live in.

That's quite a stretch. There are two browser plugins that are in broad use on the web: Flash, for fallback audio/video support and some casual games, and Silverlight, for Netflix. Both are dead technologies when you consider mobile web; even if you're only thinking about laptops/desktops, both Silverlight and Flash have essentially been abandoned by their creators, and the web platform has almost entirely subsumed their original purpose for existing, currently with the exception of DRM.

Personally, what I'm hoping happens is that we get one, single better compile target, and languages can just target that — giving the web a broader selection of languages without the fragmented nightmare (and security nightmare) of introducing dozens of new plugins. This is something that browser vendors are currently working on: Google with PNACL, and Mozilla (and, to some extent, Google as well) with asm.js. I hope we end up with PNACL, but a sufficiently optimized asm.js would serve the same purpose, albeit with a more difficult debugging / performance optimization story.

> Personally, what I'm hoping happens is that we get one, single better compile target

That is a terrific idea in theory, but the last time anyone tried to do that the result was the JVM.

Are you trolling here, or are you really implying that the JVM is bad? Could you elaborate?

I consider the JVM to be the best part of programming in Java. The JVM is fast, lets you write very portable code, and it gives you a great debugging experience. Plenty of other languages chose to target the JVM, like Scala and Clojure, for its quality.

That's not to say the JVM is perfect. I don't like type erasure for instance (I understand C# has 'better' generics). Nevertheless - and this idea comes up frequently - imagine if browsers ran VM bytecode instead of interpreting JavaScript. The browser would be totally language-independent. You could write in any language that compiles to the browser bytecode, and deploy the precompiled bytecode 'object' files. I mean, it is a great idea in theory, and it's exactly what the JVM has succeeded in doing, except that the JVM does it for operating systems and not browsers.

Of course, this is all a fantasy at this point. There's no possible way browser vendors would ever agree on a standardized virtual machine, much less all implement it (see DartVM).

> Are you trolling here, or are you really implying that the JVM is bad? Could you elaborate?

No, I'm not trolling. I was responding to someone who said that the two non-dead browser plugin technologies were flash and silverlight. Java is notably absent from that list. (Can you even interact with the DOM from a Java applet?)

I agree with you that the JVM is the best part of Java, but that's not saying much IMHO.

Java applets had a lot working against them from a technical and UX perspective: they were insecure, and popped up quite scary warning notices about security that had to be clicked through in order to run the applets. Java was also poorly optimized for consumer-facing applications: JIT startup and warmup time was sufficiently long that they felt more sluggish than HTML/CSS/JS, despite the fact that in the long run the JVM outperforms JS by a significant margin.

In an aside, the JVM has only relatively recently been an effective general-purpose compile target, and it wasn't designed as such. The JVM's failure for frontends doesn't give much indication as to where the pitfalls of targets like PNACL or asm.js might be: it died (deservedly) because of reasons that apply to neither technology — slow startup time and lack of effective sandboxing. Both PNACL and asm.js start quickly, lean on hardware-acceleration in the browser to react smoothly, are designed from the start as compile targets, and are sandboxed to the point where browser vendors don't feel the need to pop up warning boxes that scare off consumers.

And the JVM is wonderful!

Incredible amounts of R&D devoted to optimizing its performance, broad hardware and os support, with lots of interesting languages to choose from running on top of it.

Yes, but as a browser extension technology I think it's fair to say that it has failed.

>But this sort of thing already happens all the time. You don't have the right flash player, or the right silverlight player, or the right version of Java.

For one, if you find it bad, then why would you want to add to this badness with extra web languages? If anything, what you say is a counter-example.

Second, what you describe has stopped happening to 90% of web users for like 5 years or so. Nobody caresa bout Java or Silverlight, and Flash is getting all the more obscure. Heck, major browsers like Safari don't ship it algother, and even YouTube plays without it. At worse, you lose some shitty casual games.

>The alternative is to forever have to deal with a language that by design cannot even handle integer math or unicode strings properly.

Well, we seem to be doing ok even with such a language. Besides, most languages cannot handle unicode strings properly anyway (including Java, Go, PHP, Python, Ruby and several others). There are just too many subtleties.

> if you find it bad

I don't. (Presuming that by "it" you mean "having a lot of plugins floating around".)

> Nobody caresa bout Java or Silverlight

Netflix uses Silverlight. There are an awful lot of nobodies using Netflix.

> we seem to be doing ok even with such a language

That depends on what you consider "OK". Blub users always think that things are OK.

> most languages cannot handle unicode strings properly

The problem with JS is that the standard requires strings to be represented internally as UTF-16, which cannot cover the entire unicode code point space. So JS's brokenness is worse than other languages because it is actually enshrined in its standard.

>That depends on what you consider "OK".

What I consider OK is that we have had great growth in the breadth, scope and capabilities of the modern web. I've been on it professionally since 1996, and followed it even before, and I don't think there's anyone who would disagree with such a statement.

From a joke environment based on plain text circa 1993-4, we know have the ability to emulate whole CPUs inside a Javascript VM, AND with usable speed. And then there's ES6 with a whole lot of additions to the language.

>Netflix uses Silverlight. There are an awful lot of nobodies using Netflix.

Well, in the US. The world is 20 times bigger than the US. I'm not even sure why US users put up with Netflix pulling this shit.

>Blub users always think that things are OK.

Well, other's have it worse. They always think that the "blub" concept, a random idea in an essay, is something that's true, universal and settled, were it's just someones opinion. The blub idea, furthermore, is about the "expression problem", and it's condescending to people by assuming that that's all that matters.

People chose to write something in C, C++, Assembly, Lisp, Haskell whatever for lots of reasons, and the success of that undertaking involves a lot more reason than "expression". Things like community, libraries, toolsets, hireability, existing codebase, documentation, speed, heck, even familiarity, play a role as much, or even more, important than the mere "expression" capability of the language.

And, statistically speaking, the oh-so-expression language people don't have much to show for it, whereas the blub C/C++ people have tens of thousands of indispensable programs used by billions. Sure, they are much less, but at one point they were much more (Lisp existed before C/C++), and they also had nice funding going on until the mid-eighties, with not much to show for it. 3-4 C people in AT&T laid the foundation for most of what we use today. Were are the equivalent non-blub people, who had an impact in fields other than PL design?

> 3-4 C people in AT&T laid the foundation for most of what we use today.

The security consultants on the 21st century know whom to thank for their jobs.

This is one of the things that baffles me with the somewhat radical things getting added to javascript this go around.

I mean, I can't argue that there are some things that will be nice to have. However, it seems that going with additions that are not addable as a library is contrary to the bloody web.

Or, am I wrong and the new syntactical changes will be ok?

Also... this pretty much exemplifies how/why lisp would have been awesome. Quite literally everything could be done "as a library."

This I would love to see. I'm not aware of any project working to enable Scheme or Common Lisp in the browser, though. Anyone else?

ClojureScript is a subset of Clojure that compiles to Google Closure-optimized JavaScript, so close enough, right?

Googling turned up several on just the first page of results:





But the parent is really the right answer -- ClojureScript is actually targeted at meeting modern web development challenges and has a thriving ecosystem of powerful tools for the same.

Compiling to Javascript isn't what I find interesting. I'd like support for <script type="text/lisp" language="common-lisp" src="web-ui.lisp">.

Pure Lisp, compiled for the user's browser and OS. No Javascript anywhere.

You can do this now

  <script src="biwascheme.js">
  (console-log "Hello, world!")

You see that ".js" in your example? I don't want it.

I would like to know how to implement and deploy a scripting engine that has no dependencies on Javascript whatsoever.

That doesn't materially matter. I know you don't want it, but it in no way effects the computation.

http://hoplon.io/ is a lot closer to the Hickey/Norvig/Anderson paper.

You are right, I misspoke and would have said "in addition to"

Once you "accept" transpilation,you can use any language in the browser and you stop asking yourself these questions.

You still need to know javascript though. Dart,CoffeeScript,Typescript,ClosureScript... IT's not like people dont have the choice today.And sourcemaps work well when debugging,usually.

You can't simultaneously assert that you can use any language in the browser, and that you still need to know Javascript.

The latter implies that you are always really using Javascript. Which is also borne out by how you list only languages which are thin veneers over Javascript (Dart a possible exception)

If we had LISP, we wouldn't really need CSS or HTML either. Everything could be represented with s-expressions and we would all reach nirvana.

Only if every single designer who happens to write some styles has paredit installed. Ditto for every non-technical user who would want to customize some template or something.

Sexps are cool, but you really, really need proper tools to edit them efficiently. Without them it's very easy to make a mistake, which of course will make it to runtime, because it won't be a syntax error in most cases. That's the downside of having so little syntax.

So I think that (for CSS) we'd either build very simple sexp based DSL using macros or we'd just create a compile-to-sexps human friendly syntax. On the plus side, with Lisps, that would be one evening to implement... :)

If you aren't already using templates, then you're probably doing it wrong. If you have a designer doing serious template work and that designer doesn't know anything, then you're probably doing it wrong.

languages like haml and jade are very close to M-expression languages and could work as drop-in replacements for S-expressions just like they are used as <html> replacements at present or s-expr could be used. In addition, in the presence of a lisp language, the code <--> data relationship can be quite convenient.

Remember DSSSL anyone? Obviously worse was better

> Nothing uniquely qualifies Javascript.

The kind and amount of technical expertise behind the development mass that drives most of the Web nowadays does, sadly.

It would have been easy to do this in IE too, there was a well defined COM interface to allow alternative scripting engines to be used.

I was thinking about this too. I am somewhat of a lisp newbie, but one of the people on the LedgerSMB team also maintains Armed Bear Common Lisp (i.e. Lisp in the JVM).

I remember talking with him about teaching languages to kids. Like me he has three kids. I was noticing that many of the beginner languages were quite Lispy, including Logo which I had been teaching my oldest and I asked about the suitability of various lisps beyond this (I would end up going the direction of Rebol instead at this point, but plan to come back to Lisp).

His response was that for a beginner, Lisp is nice, but Common Lisp was, in his words, "too big" to be an early programming language, so one has to start small and work up.

I can't help but wonder at this. "Simplicity in the eyes of the user" is not something I have ever associated with Lisp as a whole but it seems like part of that is jumping into Common Lisp directly.

Now, none of this means one couldn't have a lisp for the web. However, we don't have one right now.

Common Lisp, unlike Scheme, was always a language designed for professional programmers not students. Its big symbols contain values, functions, and property lists to improve performance - lumping all those together with a single pointer and offsets saves a few bytes of memory and reduces the garbage collector's workload. Like destructive list manipulation, it's not expressing some Computer Science theory; it's there because sharp knives are useful.

In terms of the importance attached to language aesthetics, ANSI Common Lisp is probably closer to PHP than Ruby, ML, or Python. That doesn't mean that it isn't used to write beautiful code, only that it leaves doing so solely to the programmer's discretion.

Brendan Eich made the statement (speaking of JS as the asm of the web): "Source as 'bytecode' also avoids the big stupid Java bytecode mistake: freezing a poorly designed lowered form of Java, then being unable to evolve the high-form source, i.e., the Java programming language for fear of breaking Java bytecode compatibility. This severely messed up the design of inner classes and then generics in Java -- and then Sun broke bytecode compat anyway!" [Source](http://www.hanselman.com/blog/JavaScriptIsAssemblyLanguageFo...)

We are at a point where JS is following the same path. Ideas like ECMAScript 4 were rejected because they would break compatibility and we are still working around the problems of JS. We need that clean break now rather than later. Such a clean break would be at it's best now rather than later. We could simply continue supporting the current JS compilers 'as is' for old code (or provide a JS to new language compiler) and replace the language with another which is designed correctly (we could perhaps break the DOM too).

While I would like to see a scheme r7rs used (except with support for OOP, built-in actors, and static typing), I suspect that M-expressions (more like dylan) would be necessary (though for the record, I've seen more nested parenthesis/braces in JS code than I've seen in a lot lisp code). Such a language could also be interpreted via JS (or compiled to JS) for old browsers (though I suspect telling people to upgrade or go without would promote suitable updating more akin to telling everyone to change to digital TV or go without).

We need a clean break and lisp is worthy of consideration rather than being cast to the side like last time.

> though for the record, I've seen more nested parenthesis/braces in JS code than I've seen in a lot lisp code

I saw a presentation once, where they compared the amount of parenthesis/braces in mainstream languages vs Lisp, with Lisp having less in most algorithms being compared.

For example,

    func_call(args) vs (func_call args)
    array_access[index] vs (array_access index)
The thing is, since in other languages parenthesis/braces tend to be scattered along the source file, it looks like less than Lisp based languages.

I wonder if any teacher already tried to teach LISP as a first language instead of java or C, and what there was to learn about it.

MIT is where the legendary "Wizard Book" (SICP)[0] was developed, for teaching their introductory class using Scheme.

A few years ago, MIT restructured their entire CS curriculum (not just the intro class) in a way that required redesigning the individual curricula of each of the classes, including the intro class. As a result, they couldn't use SICP, since it didn't cover the same topics. At this time, they ended up switching to using Python for the class.

This is sometimes presented by people who dislike functional programming as an indictment of Scheme/Lisp, though this is very misleading. Nobody made the decision to "abandon" SICP - "they" made the decision to redesign the entire curriculum (top to bottom), which meant writing new syllabi/textbooks for all/most of their classes, especially the intro class, and then "they" made the decision to write the new syllabus/book for that new intro class in Python[0].

Some schools (University of Minnesota is one) still use SICP.

Personally, I think that SICP is the best way to be introduced to both the fundamentals of computer science and programming. The only caveat is that it requires a certain level of dedication before-the-fact (something that could be reasonably assumed in an MIT intro class). So it's not the best choice for someone who "just wants to dabble" in programming and see if they like it (try Python or Ruby for that), or for someone who wants to understand computer architecture and engineering (try C for that), but for everyone else, it's unparalleled.

The nice thing about SICP is that it focuses very little on learning the nitty-gritties of Scheme (partly because there's so little to learn!), whereas most other introductory materials I've seen have to focus on Java-specific, Python-specfic, etc. features. Reading SICP feels more like reading a math textbook that "just happens" to come with a REPL for mathematical expressions, as opposed to learning the ins and outs of a given programming language or environment.

[0] Of course, "they" refers to many different people, very few of whom would be in the same "they" as it was in the 1980s when SICP was first written, so one has to keep that in mind before concluding that MIT "changed their mind".

[0] https://mitpress.mit.edu/sicp/

There's a bit more that went into all of this:

MIT's EECS undergraduate enrollment cratered after the "dot.com" crash, more than halved, after being 40% of the student body for decades.

The department panicked.

And it was most certainly ordered that Scheme be entirely purged from the base curriculum, even while they claimed they were teaching SICP concepts and functional programming in 6.005, they were using Java, a language that's "not even wrong" for the purpose (that, at least, has been improved to Python, which is only [fill in the blank] hostile to FP).

Not one of the department's finer moments, from my no direct interest in EE at all viewpoint, but from a less biased one you can safely say a MIT EECS degree now means something quite different. And it's a damned shame for those outside the department, for whom 6.001 was truly valuable, that MIT no longer offers anything in its niche (outside of a rearguard 1 month version of it during January).

I was lucky enough to take a short-course version of 6.001 taught by some MIT 6.001 alums over MIT's Independent Activities Period (IAP). Materials are available here: http://web.mit.edu/alexmv/6.S184/

I really do recommend it for anyone trying to get into functional programming or to understand the nirvana of Lisp / Scheme.

Lisps have been used continuously for university level introductory programming courses at least since MIT's 6.001 in the 1980's. Today, PLT (the group responsible for Racket) might be considered to be the leader in research into the pedagogy of computer programming and Felleisen's How to Design Programs and student language sequence are used by several schools. I believe they include Rice, University of British Columbia, Brown, and Felleisen's Northeastern University.

The PLT Group's homepage: http://www.ccs.neu.edu/racket/

At my bachelor university (University of Bologna, Italy) we used to have Scheme with htdp for the programming 101 course. That's what I did when I studied there but apparently now they (unfortunately) changed it to C++. The day I found that out was a very sad day for me.

Funnily enough, the PLT group is working on a new language for education called Pyret http://www.pyret.org/. It's not very similar to Scheme, it is very similar to Python.

It would be more accurate to say that that Shriram Krishnamurthi and his group at Brown, which are one part of the large PLT "collective", are working on Pyret. The rest of us are still working on Racket.

It's subtle. For instance my university taught us scheme basics (no higher order functions, no macros) in the very first computing module[1]. Before teaching us x86 assembly, HTML, VBA. [2]

IMO nobody [3] considered it programming. I was a geek and thought it was pure vapor [4], programming needed to be cpp with graphics or GUI or memory cells. I don't know what other people thought about it but I'd bet they forgot about it the minute they left the class. I mean pairs and cons cells ? what can you do with that ? ... beside map/fold/compose/curry. But that would need to talk about closures... can 20yo handle hot thangs like these ?


[1] in my days, first 2 years were 80% math/phys 20% programming

[2] casual introductory modules, at that point students don't know if they go pure science CS or IT.

[3] except the wearing IOCCC tshirts teacher

[4] infinite idiocy of my young self

Programming and bit fiddling are different. One is a logical analysis and breakdown to simple elements while the other is a method of implementing that breakdown in a specific manner.

Student's inability to understand this is their own failure and ignorance.

As to the topic at hand, in JS, those ideas of higher-order functions which don't exist in C (to any meaningful extent) are the primary means of abstraction. I've seen very many C++ or Java programmers think they can handle JS just fine. It's never too long before those functional concepts they considered useless (or even worse, were never taught) begin to haunt them.

All I wanted to point out is how legacy computer use[1] shapes your understanding, and how candid introductory courses can bounce against that like a rubber ball.

[1] growing with computer as a user, what amaze you is what you can perceive : gui, games, external devices. Which are all designed to amaze. When you get to know how computers are made, your first desire is to reproduce these things. Abstraction, expressiveness aren't on your map yet.

> Abstraction, expressiveness aren't on your map yet.

Not only that, there are multiple levels of abstraction to fully grasp everything.

For some people thinking in the abstract way of computing is already too much.

Then those think they have mastered the basic concepts of computer abstractions like loops, decisions, data structures, there is the next level of meta-abstractions.

Meta-abstractions used to manipulate the said abstractions to fully mold the whole computer system like clay. The same way mathematical abstractions reason about the common man mathematics.

Very few are able to move between abstraction levels, and those that do forget how it was their view of the world before they fully grasped it.

Agreed. It's similar to music where you can reach proficiency with scales, and then stop thinking of them as rules but play with them as you see fit.

I believe that first the algol genealogy suffers from the ~difficulty of crossing metalevels, secondly, the people behind these languages were able to do so and see the language as a vehicle, a mean, not an end. But beginners see the finger, not the moon and end up thinking in terms of builtin constructs. Lisp being already unrelated to any machine, and with the serendipity of sexp easy homoiconicity you see swim in this universe of abstraction levels.

> Very few are able to move between abstraction levels, and those that do forget how it was their view of the world before they fully grasped it.

I enrolled Coursera MOOC teaching scheme and sml, watching many students being emotional (anger, despair) about interpretation (especially when circular) reminded me of myself in college. The worst part is that the best I could say was "keep trying, you will understand". I wanted to tell them about the beauty and the freedom you feel but our minds were too separate and my understanding not good enough yet.

> I've seen very many C++ or Java programmers think they can handle JS just fine. It's never too long before those functional concepts they considered useless (or even worse, were never taught) begin to haunt them.

And nowadays they cannot runaway as functional programming concepts begin to infect their languages as well.

They are left with:

- stay in the past, hoping to retire before being forced into newer versions of their languages

- learn and embrace FP and get to discover how OOP and FP can work together

- try to jump to other languages that are still friendly to old school developers

Scheme used to be and still is the first CS class taught in many universities. See SICP.

I believe the University of Waterloo is one of them.

Grinnell College

We use Racket[1] at the University of Waterloo. We use HTDP [2] instead of SCIP.

[1]: http://racket-lang.org/ [2]: http://htdp.org/

Sure. They did at Chicago when I was there, lo these twenty four years ago. CS 115-116 was just MIT's SICP 6.005 or whatever. Of course, when I was there there wasn't a CS degree -- you got a math degree with a concentration in CS. So times have undoubtably changed.

MIT's introductory engineering course used to teach Scheme to the students using the excellent SICP text. I believe they now teach their beginning students Java or Python. I am not sure if there are blog posts or papers detailing the benefits of using Scheme in the class room.

They switched the introductory course from Scheme to Python. The reason is because programming doesn't consist of building things up from first principles anymore, as is done in SICP. Now it largely consists of debugging and customizing already existing code, often via frameworks.

Maybe for a fairly standard CRUD web app which seems to be all the rage, but honestly it's not like you need to go to university to build something like that. The people making the frameworks, tools and unique domain specific programs still need to build things up from first principles.

> Now it largely consists of debugging and customizing already existing code, often via frameworks.

This is why web development is so dull to me. You're always coloring by number.

The popularity of frameworks is largely due to the non-modularity of the languages in use. Frameworks are much less popular in languages that support proper modularity where small, composable libraries are the norm.

Reading a short account of the rationale behind the change, described by Sussman himself, paints a very different picture: http://cemerick.com/2009/03/24/why-mit-now-uses-python-inste... .

It's not that programming now "largely consists of debugging and customizing already existing code, often via frameworks". For one thing, it's only the narrow, web-constrained definition of "framework" that even vaguely works that way. Second, I'd argue that, unless the code which programmers debug has been written somewhere until the late 1990s, new code gets written often enough that programming largely consists of writing new code instead of debugging old one. That there are programmers hopelessly churning on the umpteenth bug because someone at the end of the Internet decided to change the format of their JSON objects and the mapping of their HTTP request handlers (pretentiously calling that "an API") is not a testament to how programming has evolved, it's merely a proof that not every change counts as evolution.

Instead, the choice of Python over Scheme -- which has been received with mixed feelings by almost every programmer able to write a Quicksort function without googling for compiler errors -- seems to have been driven by related, but vastly different reasons, such as:

* There are vast amounts of interactions spread over multiple languages, machines and platforms. Independently reasoning about objects, while essential to programming, is as central to teaching as integration in already existing architectures is. Unlike the early 1980s, when pretty much every new computer meant a new editor, a new set of programs and more often than not, a couple of new languages, being able to reason about existing architectures is incredibly important. Scheme is able to provide this, but requires fairly intimate knowledge of the implementation, whereas Python pretty much gives this away for free.

* A considerable deal of modern CS/CompEng research is centered around studying non-fundamental applications. It's important to have access to tools that allow people to whip up quick experiments. Whether Python does this better than Scheme is debatable, but Python does arguably score better in terms of integration and, therefore, in terms of being able to glue new fundamental discoveries to practical problems that they solve. Perl does that too, arguably better than Python, actually, but there are lines even seasoned teachers would rather not cross.

* Many of the so-called real problems come from more specific fields, are sloppier and can often be less rigorously stated than those for which SICP was initially written. Again, this is debatable, but Python is more universal and easier to convey. I don't know how much truth is behind this. I tend to disagree, because personal experience has shown me that this is the argument preferred by the kind of people who think that cool 3D data visualisation programs are a good example of a real-life problem and rotation matrices are a typical example of a useless problem that doesn't stem from real life applications.

Several other colleges have a similar course. Where I went (U of M - Twin Cities), they still use Scheme. I also would be interested in any papers about it.

See the Section "PLT Reports."


Scheme via SICP was the introductory OO language/book circa 1990 at U of MN. It is probably the best class I took and remains the one class that has influenced my programming the most.


Full lecture series based on the first edition of SICP. I viewed and read after nearly 10 years programming in more mainstream languages (self-taught), and honestly think that 10 years was partly wasted because I didn't learn Scheme earlier.

Well, if using Lisp in the browser sounds tempting, you should have a look at Clojurescript: https://github.com/clojure/clojurescript

For a moment, it really appeared LISP is acronym: <L>anguage for <I>nternet <S>cripting and <P>rogramming rather than LISt Processing.

LISP is still a great language for web programming! [1]

Lately it seems like more people are doing compile to JS (like asm.js and Mozilla's emscripten work in Odin Monkey [2]) which fits in perfectly with LISP dialects. Programmers can still create their own DSLs, macros, compilers, etc. in LISP and use them for modern web apps today. Just because this is a less popular/documented route doesn't mean it isn't possible. I hope we'll see a rise in LISP web programming pretty soon.

It would be fun if someone could write a compiler for a new ClojureScript dialect that targets asm.js and takes advantage of CPS for recursion like Scheme does.

[1] https://github.com/jashkenas/coffee-script/wiki/List-of-lang...

[2] https://wiki.mozilla.org/Javascript:SpiderMonkey:OdinMonkey

OOoh, nice. Is this is a direct intellectual precursor to Clojure (although I have no idea if the authors have had any collaboration)?

Rich Hickey is probably not the same as Timothy J. Hickey.

I remember when Peter Norvig wrote the first cut at Silk - I think he wrote it in one weekend.

I think he wrote it to teach himself Java.

I've been working on a Scheme that might be more welcoming to people with a ()-phobia: http://vijaymathew.github.io/slogan/index.html

What advantage does this have over dylan?

SILK - Scheme In 50 KB

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