Whether or not there is shame in getting help for your depression is cultural. Saying so on a hackernews post doesn't change the reality on the ground for any potential viewer in, for example, Japan or China.
Getting help may mean adjusting location to a less shameful community. With Internet communities and now the beginnings of Internet medical care, this might not even require geographic changes.
It was a little front-loaded, but the phrase "this might not even require geographic changes." at the end of his reply implies that it's less "move to a better country" and more "stop hanging around with people who damage your mental health and/or shame you for seeking help". This is very good advice, and following it in the past probably saved my life.
Wow that really changes the story. Putting "Bitcoin Exchange" in the title strongly implies that the recent disaster could have been a motive for her death. The fact that BTC is just another payment method for her company means something entirely different. Thank you for sharing this.
I don't follow the multiples of Bitcoin articles that show up on HN daily, but both the Newsweek and this article caught my attention, and I was not clear on the founder vs. CEO separation.
Considering both of these are on the first page right now, I think it's easy for some of us to get our wires crossed, and am glad this clarification was made.
"Founder of Bitcoin" is not the same as "founder of Bitcoin exchange". It's like saying the founder of the dollar is the same as the founder of Bank of America.
I'm tired of seeing these articles. Yes, suicide is a sad story. No, the company wasn't a Bitcoin exchange. Would it make headlines over and over if the story read "CEO of a company that accepts Bitcoins as a payment method found dead"?
I knew Autumn years ago. She was a brilliant individual with a deep connection to those around her. This is a loss of a tremendously capable, and compassionate, human being.
Looks like the disfigured website and possible content filtering physically blocked or skewed the site before. I see that now, thanks for the correction.