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> Bash has wonderful completion, all the stuff you listed. It's in the "bash-completion" package, and usually just an "apt-get install bash-completion" away.

i don't doubt that at all - but it's hardly default bash, and i frequently don't have root on the systems i use (whereas zsh is usually there)

> I use bash's reverse incremental search ("C-r") to do that. Is the zsh that much better than that?

hands down yes. nobody had to explain how "up-complete" (i don't know what's it's called, but i'm calling it that because that's what it does) works to me. simple and intuitive!

> Also I always set my bash history file to /dev/null

fair enough - different people have different uses for things, i thoroughly recommend you try zsh though, because, why not! have a poke around the excellent oh-my-zsh as well, try out some themes.

i thought i had a good work flow with bash, and that there was really any room for improvement. after a few hours of zsh on my laptop, it was my shell everywhere :)

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