Completely unscientific observation: More people in my local coffee shop are using phones than laptops, and more of those phones are Androids than iOS. I know anecdotally that the Chrome browser is very popular on Android. I would give even odds on there being more people to exploit with this than there were with goto fail.
I use coffee shop WiFi when I access useless sites such as Drudge Report. However, it's not hard to either
a) switch to cellular on a phone before accessing something important like a banking site
or b) use something like Personal Hotspot together with a phone switched to cellular to allow a laptop to access something important like a banking site
That's what I do. I certainly don't trust random WiFi for sensitive communications.
IMO you're much safer relying on AT&T or Verizon to connect you to key sites via cellular service rather than thru WiFi. OTOH I know that in the past AT&T has automatically switched my iPad from cellular to WiFi when I was at a coffee shop that had service from them. So this may be a little tricky in practice.