I've much enjoyed your illustration throughout the group matches. Interestingly, I've shared it with others and they all fell silent. But once I explained it to them they liked it a lot and shared it with others. Who also fell silent. For many people it seems it's too much information/impenetrable. For me it was a puzzle to solve (as I wasn't current on current round-robin protocol). Really good work. Keep it up and see you in 4 years!
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So... doesn't really sound like an "official API" in the sense of being something you could use to create your own world-cup data-based apps or web sites...
Thanks for the feedback. I just threw something up in a few minutes. I'll try to get something better looking up tonight with the caveat that I'm not a designer. Maybe I can get some of my co-workers to design an awesome looking splash page for me.
Pretty jealous. I need to get my site together in order to play around with the Opta historical stuff, I'm working on letting people back test betting strategies.
Sure, but what if you want to do something with that data? The point of an API is that it is easily consumable. I explained a bit about why I built it in my blog post, but mainly it was 1) for fun and learning (I've never built an API before) 2) to keep the stats updated on a site that I built for my friends for our world cup draft and 3) to be able to use our company Hubot to ask about scores throughout the day...but mostly for fun and learning!