I put together a simple layout for my company's blog and made this link very explicit specific, see: http://blog.vidoyen.com
Is that more in line with a blog reader would generally expect? I'm genuinely curious, because I've seen variants of this comment time and time again on HN.
My personal preference is for the top-left logo to always bring a user back to the domain's top-level ignoring any sub-domains, though I'm not sure that could be considered best-practice.
This approach works for me though, because I find most company-blogs to have a much lower volume of published content than a website whose primary function is that of a blog. In most cases, I've wound up on the site from a direct-link to whatever blog post I'm reading. If what I've read in that post is interesting, I'm probably going to want to check out the product or service they're selling before reading any more of their company blog.
I put together a simple layout for my company's blog and made this link very explicit specific, see: http://blog.vidoyen.com
Is that more in line with a blog reader would generally expect? I'm genuinely curious, because I've seen variants of this comment time and time again on HN.