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Not sure why the downvote. There is overwhelming evidence showing that both cancer and heart disease are significantly influenced by diet and exercise.

Not sure about overwhelming, but there's certainly evidence imo.

The down vote was probably because you didn't suggest to google "Sugar metabolic disease cancer" or "Sugar metabolic disease Alzheimer's", followed by a few example results such as:

- http://www.medscape.com/viewarticle/719423

- http://www.popsci.com/science/article/2012-09/newest-impact-...

Probably because the data in the post suggests otherwise:

- The causes of death with the strongest correlation to diet and exercise (heart disease, cerebrovascular disease, diabetes) have increased only slightly.

- All those causes of death have some degree of correlation with age

- The cause of death most strongly correlated with old age is the one showing the strongest increase (the correlation between diet and exercise and cancer is tenuous at best)

- It doesn't explain the heart disease peak in the '60s

Cancer, Heart disease, and Diabetes have far more effective treatments now vs the 1960's suggesting a massive 'hidden' increase.

CPR for example was first promoted as a technique for the public to learn in the 1970s. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/History_of_cardiopulmonary_resu...

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