Good concise article. The real gem here is about compartmentalizing. I think this is the real key to getting things done. And I think the #1 thing that makes it difficult to compartmentalize is working longer hours than you should.
I find that when I put in extra long hours I have trouble "turning it off" when I get home to relax. Not having that recharge time makes me stressed out and therefore a less effective worker when I pick-up where I left of the next day. It's a vicious cycle.
And I think the #1 thing that makes it difficult to compartmentalize is working longer hours than you should
i find that living and working in the same space is the the #1 thing that makes it difficult to compartmentalize for me. it's hard to "turn off" when your bed is 3 meters away from your desk.
Agreed is a very good article, especially advocating you focus on the right targets rather than items on to-do lists, which went well with me as I don't use them.
>It is very appealing to figure out how to squeeze more out of each 24 hour day.
This I thought was a spelling mistake, it should have read:
It is very appalling to figure out how to squeeze more out of each 24 hour day.
I find that when I put in extra long hours I have trouble "turning it off" when I get home to relax. Not having that recharge time makes me stressed out and therefore a less effective worker when I pick-up where I left of the next day. It's a vicious cycle.