Weak protocols or not, what bothers me most about Telegram is that it doesn't use end to end encryption by default - yet still has the nerve to say it's the most secure app on the planet. I find that incredibly misleading towards the users, and many have fallen for that false advertising, which only makes me more furious about it.
So I doubt it has anything to do with geography. But more with Telegram's own arrogance about their own app, which not only doesn't have 1) a proper crypto team not "mathematicians", 2) crypto designs recognized by most cryptographers as being solid, but also 3) doesn't encrypt end to end the messages for 99 percent of its users.
TextSecure, Threema and Pond encrypt everything end to end by default and use solid designs to do so as well.
So I doubt it has anything to do with geography. But more with Telegram's own arrogance about their own app, which not only doesn't have 1) a proper crypto team not "mathematicians", 2) crypto designs recognized by most cryptographers as being solid, but also 3) doesn't encrypt end to end the messages for 99 percent of its users.
TextSecure, Threema and Pond encrypt everything end to end by default and use solid designs to do so as well.