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Except that the whole purpose of Unicode is to create a character encoding that "enables people around the world to use computers in any language" - taken from the Unicode Consortium website. Bengali is also not an obscure language. It is the 10th most spoken language in the world and the national language of Bangladesh.

Bangladesh is a member of the Unicode Consortium. Why haven't they ensured that Bengali is well supported? The Unicode Consortium's job isn't to support every language in the world; it's to coordinate between the multitude of different parties who do the actual work to ensure that they produce can coexist nicely.

And besides, the argument isn't "Why aren't all Bengali characters represented when all English characters are?" The argument is "Why aren't all Bengali characters represented when a pile of poo is?"

No, the argument is "Why didn't the Unicode authors make the same technical choice I would have based on my limited knowledge of this topic -- including not knowing that the pile of poo was created for use in the Japanese market; as well as not knowing that I could participate myself for just $75, not the $18,000 lie in my story; and not understanding the nuances of international standardization; or reviewing the list of international liaisons to the Unicode organization where much of the language-specific work is done?"

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