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> Yeah, no doubt somewhere along the way someone made a negotiation mistake

Is it really a negotiation mistake, rather than a result of growing valuation?

The point of stock options is to grant and receive them early at a low price. There's a good chance that they won't amount to much, but there's also a hope that they will be worth a lot. That's the entire point of accepting stock options over salary as an early employee.

But if stock options are likely to be cancelled if they appreciate in value, then their expected value quickly falls to zero, and it would make more sense to just offer yearly cash bonuses instead.

Yeah. If the options were worth $100k when the person was hired, and now they're worth $10M, is that really a negotiation mistake? Maybe the employee did a great job and that's the reason they are now worth $10M? Would the employee have taken the job if you only offered $1k equity (or been insulted by the pittance)?

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