Yeah the demo/description was pretty inspiring. Phone->dock+monitor+storage->computer (for everyday stuff). The linked tablet video seems close enough but I'd love a phone version to theoretically have one device for everything.
This is still my "tech wish for the year" :D
Even if it's possible with this device (which I don't know) that's still an ARM processor you have. It's a Cortex A7 a bit faster from what you get in a Raspberry Pi 2 but not much.
Anyway, those phones or tablets that turn into supposed regular computers are cool, but at the end of the day when I have access to a screen and keyboard there is usually a computer not far. Since my data is in the cloud anyway, I'd rather use that separate computer than my phone.
There are plenty of situations where I don't want to trust the available computer with my data.
And I very frequently find myself in situations where the network connection is so poor that streaming my data over the network is an exercise in frustration.
When I then walk around with more and more powerful computers in my pocket, it's great to be able to make use of it.
Even if you don't have a fast Internet pipe, you can just boot the PC from your Android phone instead, using DriveDroid. I'm not sure if you can also access the files on the sdcard, though.