> When I asked on IRC recently, whether I was missing some reason that it wasn't more common, almost every single response was, "Woah, I never heard of that feature."
They should read the excellent perldocs for 'open' [0][1], it's been available since ~2002 (Perl 5.8) [2][3]
You can change the directory it uses by overriding the defailt $TMPDIR ($ENV{TMP} in Windows 7)
$ENV{TMP} = '/path/to/my/tmp/dir';
open my $fh2, '+>', undef or die "$!";
It was introduced along with another useful feature, 'File handles can be opened to "in memory" files held in Perl scalars' [0][2]
open(my $fh,'>', \my $variable) or die "$!";
... do stuff to $variable as if it were a file
They should read the excellent perldocs for 'open' [0][1], it's been available since ~2002 (Perl 5.8) [2][3]
You can change the directory it uses by overriding the defailt $TMPDIR ($ENV{TMP} in Windows 7)
It was introduced along with another useful feature, 'File handles can be opened to "in memory" files held in Perl scalars' [0][2] [0] http://perldoc.perl.org/functions/open.html[1] http://perldoc.perl.org/perlopentut.html
[2] http://perldoc.perl.org/perl58delta.html#PerlIO-is-Now-The-D...
[3] https://books.google.com/books?id=IzdJIax6J5oC&lpg=PA1&dq=&p...