Claiming that Microsoft is not in the surveillance-and-advertising business is rather facetious. Of course they are! Or .. why else are they harvesting absolutely everything they can possibly find out about me, from the moment the install is completed, until the final day when I uncover the secret options that turns it all off? If they weren't in the surveillance-and-advertising business, none of the spy options would be default to "On" ..
It's not its main business, by a very long way. It is, however, Google's main business, and the main business of quite a few free Android and iOS apps.
> until the final day when I uncover the secret options
So you did an Express install instead of actually going through the options? More fool you.
Actually I cancelled my upgrade. I'll sit this one out until it makes sense to actually do the upgrade - at the moment, I'm not seeing any benefit to be had in doing it, and a lot of liability.