I've been a Mactard for years and a big fan of Safari, but Chrome has become my default browser on my Mac.
Chrome became the default on my PC at work as soon as I could get it installed a year ago.
The beauty of Chrome is its speed and elegance. Omnibox for searches, the behaviour of tabs (remembering which tab spawned the subsequent one), and the ability to use icons only for the bookmarks bar are three things that Safari doesn't do.
The addition of extensions for the PC have cemented its position there, and when those services are added to the Mac version life gets better.
Firefox does most of this, of course, but it looks and feels bloated and old on both platforms.
I will forever love Firefox for freeing us from Microsoft's IE tyranny, but Chrome is truly firing on all 8 cylinders these days, pun intended.
I've tried using Chrome as my default browser on Mac many times, but always end up going back to Safari. Chrome just isn't ready yet.
It has no bookmark manager, so when you have more bookmarks than space on the toolbar, there is literally no way to move them around short of deleting enough so that they all fit on the toolbar then moving them around. I ran into this when I wanted to add a new one to my toolbar and it was not possible. There is no way to rearrange them in the menu.
The scrolling in Chrome annoys me by being all herky jerky.
Lack of bookmark synching in Chrome is annoying. I have a desktop at work and a laptop for home use and it's so nice having my bookmarks sync up with Safari without any intervention.
Chrome on Mac is the first browser I've used where if I scroll down a page, go to a link on that page, then hit my back button it doesn't go back to where I was before. I have to scroll down the page again manually.
I'm a 1Password user and they do not have a version of their plugin that works for Chrome.
Chrome also does not make use of the standard OS X Keychain. So I have to put all of my passwords in again manually. Huge pain.
Some of these things can supposedly be remedied by using the latest version of Chromium which has extensions enabled and installing random extensions, but that is a workaround for a browser that's not ready yet.
Until it is possible to rearrange my bookmarks, sync them, use 1Password, scroll smoothly, and not have to scroll every time I hit the back button, I'll stick with Safari. Chrome has great potential, but is still not to the point where it can serve as a valid replacement for me. When I'm using Windows, it's my default for sure, but on Mac Chrome isn't ready yet.
Shallow? Not at all. It's an irritating visual disruption that you see every time you interact with a web page. Those small things make the most enormous difference.
Chrome became the default on my PC at work as soon as I could get it installed a year ago.
The beauty of Chrome is its speed and elegance. Omnibox for searches, the behaviour of tabs (remembering which tab spawned the subsequent one), and the ability to use icons only for the bookmarks bar are three things that Safari doesn't do.
The addition of extensions for the PC have cemented its position there, and when those services are added to the Mac version life gets better.
Firefox does most of this, of course, but it looks and feels bloated and old on both platforms.
I will forever love Firefox for freeing us from Microsoft's IE tyranny, but Chrome is truly firing on all 8 cylinders these days, pun intended.