If a software engineer writes software that hurts people, they believe in hurting people and believe people should be hurt.
If they didn’t, they wouldn’t write software that hurts people.
The impressive amount of freedom tech workers have to choose what they work on means the ethical and moral issues with their production should fall on each person’s shoulders, but it doesn’t.
This attitude implies an unambiguous, black and white world where such decisions are always clear. In other words, a fantasy world which does not exist.
I agree it's a bit hyperbolic. But it seems weird to suggest that developers, who are hired for their intellectual power and subtlety, are great at figuring out the implications of complex decisions except when ethics are involved.
I think it's more likely that their sudden inability in this one aspect is related to Upton Sinclair's observation: " It is difficult to get a man to understand something when his salary depends upon his not understanding it."
FB is what it is because 45,000 employees work hard daily to make it that way.
if they weren't satisfied with how it works or what it does, they'd fix it or they'd leave. every day they continue to work there without changing direction, they vote with their time that FB is doing what it ought to be doing.
all of the responsibility for FB's effects on the world belongs to them.
Hi! Just noticed this post :-)
I started the game in the late 90’s and open sourced it in 2001
The previous versions were win Mac Linux but the current dev team has been focusing on Linux right now.
At the time there were some mod communities like privateer Gemini gold with a polished release and Vega Trek; those also had windows builds that also work on wine. You might need to install into a folder with read/write permissions.
As is every other fb employee.