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created:October 28, 2014
about:IT Guy. Poker player. Father of five Gen-Z adults. Founder of https://mach9poker.com.

Contact Information

David Cornelson here. Tons of dev, architecture, strategy, and advisory experience looking work. I'm well aware of the reset in pay at the moment and happily willing to adjust accordingly.

  Location: Chicago/IL/USA

  Remote: Y

  Willing to relocate: Y (SF, DC, maybe Seattle/Austin)

  Technologies: AWS, Azure, C#, .NET Core, Domain-Driven Design Modeling and Development, Event Storming Facilitation, all data storage types

  Résumé/CV: https://mach9poker-my.sharepoint.com/:b:/p/david_cornelson/EXRThwj5FpNIjMRvpsFVywQBjch8OSTBHLhFDEIg31H12A?e=IcTK8h

  Email: Connect via LinkedIn please or via resume