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created:February 26, 2007
about:I teach Python and data science to companies around the world. Most days, I teach engineers at companies ranging from the Fortune 100 to smart start-ups.

You can buy individual courses, or get a subscription that includes all of them, at https://LernerPython.com .

I've written two books for Manning: Python Workout (https://PythonWorkout.com/), and Pandas Workout (https://PandasWorkout.com/). They're full of exercises that'll increase your fluency in Python and Pandas, respectively.

I also teach online for O'Reilly, tweet frequently about Python (@reuvenmlerner) and Threads (@reuvenlerner), and post videos on my YouTube channel (https://YouTube.com/reuvenlerner).

I created one of the first 100 Web sites in the world (http://tech.mit.edu/), graduated from MIT in 1993 and got a PhD in learning sciences from Northwestern in 2014. I've been consulting since 1995.

I live in Modi'in, Israel with my wife and three children.
