> given a fully or mostly-specified definition of some function foo, Barliman will attempt to prove that a partially-specified test is consistent with, or inconsistent with, the definition of foo.
I feel like this is what GHC (the Haskell compiler) does for me. Where the "test", in this case, is the type definition. And there is no room for error here.
So it's possible that this idea makes more sense for languages without a strong type system. In any case, trying to complete a partial function definition without looking at the native types of the language means you miss a lot of information, especially in the case of Haskell, where the types tell you so much, if not everything, you need to know about a function.
I agree that type-directed synthesis would be very helpful. One of the inspirations for Barliman is the type-and-example-directed program synthesis by Peter-Michael Osera and Steve Zdancewic:
I want to experiment with a typed version of Scheme (a mini-ML with s-expressions) to see how much types would improve synthesis. In previous work with Michael Ballantyne, Michael showed that adding types could significantly improve the synthesis capability of the relational interpreter used by Barliman.
The miniKanren constraint logic system used by Barliman can be use to write type checkers and type inferencers that can perform type habitation, similar in spirit to the Djinn system mentioned by Cybiote. This is a topic Oleg Kiselyov and Dan Friedman have explored, for example. I'm very interested in improving our ability to write more sophisticated type inferencers in miniKanren, and in using the inferencer to guide synthesis.
Part of the motivation for Barliman is to explore what can be done for dynamically typed languages. Perhaps something like soft typing or gradual typing would be useful in this context.
Another idea I want to explore is using high-level properties, as in property-based testing, or even software contracts, to help guide synthesis.
I should mention that Greg Rosenblatt has improved Barliman's synthesis abilities recently, by specializing the underlying relational interpreter, using techniques similar to those in the Mercury compiler. I need to update the documentation to show the improved synthesis, which still needs work in order to be useful.
I'm also working with Rob Zinkov and Evan Donahue on using stochastic search to improve miniKanren's synthesis ability.
I'm very much open to collaboration on Barliman, synthesis, relational interpreters/type inferencers, constraint logic programming, etc.
I guess I don't quite understand the root purpose of program synthesis. It's my impression, as a programmer, that the difficult task is defining ones program logic without ambiguity. If this is indeed the case, then program synthesis already exists in the form of Coq, but it doesn't mean we've made programming easier, it means we've created a tool that reveals all possible failure points of a program, forcing us to consider all possible outcomes. It makes for a provably un-crashable program, but we pay for it in the time it takes to create the specification/implementation (which at this point have converged into one). If I can write a specification in a language that some tool can transform into a source code implementation (which can then be compiled and executed), then I wouldn't call that tool a "program synthesizer" but rather a "compiler" (and the specification language would then be a programming language).
> It's my impression, as a programmer, that the difficult task is defining ones program logic without ambiguity.
Certainly the unambiguous specification of a program's behavior is a difficult task! Barliman's approach is to allow for the behavior of a function to be partially specified. That is, the specification of behavior is ambiguous, since the examples can only specify the intended behavior over a small number of inputs/expected outputs. Many other synthesis tools allow for ambiguous specification of behavior, and use heuristics such as parsimony (smallest program is assumed to be the correct choice) to pick one of infinitely many programs consistent with the partial specification.
The idea for Barliman is to make the writing/editing of the code interact with synthesis-by-example, in order to give the programmer continuous feedback on whether the current code is consistent with the tests, and hopefully to make a reasonable guess at any missing code. As the programmer fills in the code for a function, the search space shrinks. Still, there may be infinitely many definitions that satisfy the partial specification, so Barliman sometimes guesses a goofy definition!
I want to explore adding high-level properties, contracts, optional types, etc., to Barliman, to make it possible to specify the desired behavior in more detail. However, I want to make all of these specifications optional, to maintain the flexibility of a language like Scheme. I think this is still an under-explored area in program synthesis, especially given how much code is written in JavaScript, Python, Ruby, etc.
> If I can write a specification in a language that some tool can transform into a source code implementation (which can then be compiled and executed), then I wouldn't call that tool a "program synthesizer" but rather a "compiler" (and the specification language would then be a programming language).
It is true that if you completely specify/prove correct your program in Coq (for example), you can extract a running programming from that specification. This is an interesting and powerful technique, and is in many ways similar to a compiler, as you point out.
However, I don't think of this approach as program synthesis. In program synthesis I might give a non-constructive specification of a program's behavior, and ask the computer to find such a program. For example, I could completely specify what it means for a number `n` to be the square root of another number `m` without giving an algorithm to find `n`. If I know of such an algorithm, I may be able to prove it correct in Coq, and extract running code from Coq. However, I can't expect that Coq will find the algorithm for me. To me this is the difference between proving code correct and performing synthesis.
However, the division is somewhat murky--for example, some forms of synthesis can be used to prove correctness of the program. For example, a well-known example in miniKanren (the system Barliman uses for synthesis) is to generate a quine directly from the mathematical definition of a quine. A quine in Scheme is some expression `q` that evaluates to itself. In a relational Scheme interpreter implemented in miniKanren, we can generate quines by running the query:
(run n (q) (evalo q q))
Where `n` is the number of quines you would like to generate, `evalo` is the name of the relational Scheme interpreter, and `run` is miniKanren's interface operator. One of the quines generated is:
In the case of quine generation, we are proving that the generated program is a quine by synthesizing it from its definition. (Assuming that both miniKanren and the relational Scheme interpreter are correct, of course!) We have also synthesized fixpoint combinators from their definitions in a similar fashion. Note that this approach is different from, but complimentary to, the synthesis-from-example approach used by Barliman.
If the quines example interests you, you might look at our paper and code from the 2012 Scheme Workshop:
William E. Byrd, Eric Holk, and Daniel P. Friedman.
miniKanren, Live and Untagged: Quine Generation via Relational Interpreters (Programming Pearl).
Proceedings of the 2012 Workshop on Scheme and Functional Programming, Copenhagen, Denmark, 2012.
I don't think that is quite right. This says it's applying basic ideas from program synthesis, which is not too distant from automated theorem proving style AI (specially when you get to SMT solver based synthesis).
From skimming the page, it looks to me like an example of inductive programming.
So for Haskell, it would be closer to something like Djinn, where code is generated/proved from a type specification.
> So for Haskell, it would be closer to something like Djinn,
> where code is generated/proved from a type specification.
I don't understand. How is this generating/proving different, in essence, from GHC generating machine code from Haskell? What do we gain by having Djinn generate the Haskell code, rather than writing the Haskell ourselves?
The high-level idea is that if you are going to take the trouble to specify the type of a function (as in Haskell), and tests that use the function (as in unit testing), and high-level properties of the function (as in Quickcheck), you may as well try to get the computer to actually generate the function for you, rather than writing it yourself.
You mentioned Coq above. Coq users rely on the `crush` tactic to try to fill in the boring details of a proof obligation. This is similar in spirit to search used in synthesis systems. If you can give the high-level specification, let the computer do the "boring" work. Of course, the boring work may be difficult or computationally expensive, and the high-level specification may be ambiguous...
Byrd has been working on miniKanren for over a decade. He showed before how you can easily program miniKanren to produce quines through search.
The question I would have is that producing specifications for trivial tasks may be just as hard if not harder than programming the same tasks. Often the program is the specification.
Yes, specifying behavior can be tricky. But I think there are ways to make it manageable. And, if you think type annotations, unit tests, property-based testing (as in Quickcheck), or contracts are useful, you are already specifying behavior in ways that can be used for synthesis.
I hope that future versions of Barliman will allow for the programmer to specify arbitrary mixtures of optional type annotations, tests/examples, properties (as in Quickcheck), contracts, etc. All of these specifications would be optional--if the programmer doesn't specify any of these, then Barliman would just act as a code editor. Heuristics such as parsimony (picking the smallest program that meets the specification) might help for ambiguous specifications. And stochastic search or machine learning might help Barliman search for programs that, according to some measure, look like existing Scheme programs, for example.
Since the programmer is filling in the code, while Barliman checks for compatibility and tries to synthesize code in the background, both the synthesis and the specification problems become more tractable as more of the code is filled in by the programmer. Features like "auto repair" (suggested by Matt Might) could take a fully instantiated program that passes some, but not all, tests, and use that program as the basis for synthesis. I think that specification is a challenge, but I think it a tractable problem, as long as you don't insist on fully unambiguous specification, which is a much harder problem.
Agreed, because the problem domain/system dynamics needs to be encoded into Scheme before synthesis can be useful for high level specs. If this kind of programming style takes off, it could possibly be useful for communities to supply "starter templates" for common patterns and system behaviors that they manually reason about all the time.
Yes, using templates for common patterns could be helpful. Or even using machine learning over existing code bases to infer such templates.
Similar to the use of templates is Matt Might's suggestion of using Barliman for code repair--given an almost correct definition of a function, and both passing and failing tests, try to massage the code to make it pass all the tests. I think templates could be useful here.
There are many approaches to synthesis, and Barliman's implementation is still very naive. Experiments by Michael Ballantyne and Greg Rosenblatt have shown that some synthesis tasks in miniKanren (used internally by Barliman) can be speed up by factors of thousands to millions (by restricting the grammar and using a type system, or by performing program specialization on the relational Scheme interpreter, as in the Mercury compiler). Alas, since synthesis is inherently exponential in terms of program size, a speedup of a million means that you can synthesize only a slightly larger expression. And the techniques Michael and Greg have used don't work for all problems, and can reduce the generality of the programs that can be synthesized.
Still, given how many synthesis techinques, tricks, and optimizations that we haven't tried, I'm optimistic that Barliman's synthesis can be improved enough to be practical for at least some uses. What those uses are, I'm not sure.
One more high-level comment. I'm thinking of starting a series of Google Hangouts to explain how Barliman works, and more importantly, to collaborate on making the underlying technology better and explore alternative interfaces.
This would build upon 40 hours of hangouts I did on miniKanren and relational interpreters in 2014 and 2015:
The new hangouts would be more focused on research and development, trying to make Barliman more practical, and would hopefully lead to academic publications. In addition to my interest in logic programming, I'm very interested in how to work with people online to do research and writing.
If this sounds interesting to you, please sign up to the miniKanren uncourse mailing list:
Since I imagine hangouts based on improving/exploring/experimenting with Barliman, or other similar tools, knowledge of interface design, GUI programming, parallel programming, EC2, etc., should be just as useful as knowledge of logic programming, interpreters, type systems, etc.
I think interest, creativity, and a willingness to learn is the only real prerequisite. For more technical aspects of synthesis using relational interpreters, or whatever, I'll probably do a recap of the core areas of the previous hangout series. I'm sure those 40 hours could be boiled down to something much, much shorter.
a.) What do you think about the current/future state of logic programming?
b.) Do you think that logic programming can at some point be 'mainstream'? If so, what steps need to happen for this to occur.
c.) Is there a particular area of problems that would really benefit from being solved with logic programming? E.g. I was surprised to learn that Windows used to have an embedded prolog interpreter for network configuration and I realized that there must be more areas that could benefit from using logic programming.
d.) Are there some areas where logic programming should never be used?
e.) What is the thing/insight that sparked your interest in this particular research area?
Thanks for the post, the pull requests, and the questions!
I find that it's impossible to give enough context when answering high-level questions such as these, so some of my answers will probably seem more provocative or critical than I intend. Please ask me for more details/context for any answers that seem especially ridiculous/stupid. I'm not promising, though, that the answers aren't ridiculous/stupid! :)
I'll answer these questions in reverse order.
> e.) What is the thing/insight that sparked your interest in this particular research area?
I had zero interest in logic programming until I saw two programs.
The first was a relational type inferencer written in the original Kanren language, capable of type inhabitation--that is, of synthesizing expressions of a given type. Dan Friedman showed me this program in his B521 graduate programming languages course at Indiana University in Fall 2003. He and Oleg Kiselyov had been playing with these relational type inferencers; this made me want to write an interpreter for Scheme in the same fashion, to generate Scheme expressions that evaluate to a given value. It took us a long time to figure out how to do this is a semi-reasonable way! Our first interesting relational interpreter is described in this paper:
William E. Byrd, Eric Holk, and Daniel P. Friedman. miniKanren, Live and Untagged: Quine Generation via Relational Interpreters (Programming Pearl). Proceedings of the 2012 Workshop on Scheme and Functional Programming, Copenhagen, Denmark, 2012.
This interpreter the single most interesting and enjoyable program I've worked on, and is the basis for Barliman's synthesis. I intend to keep improving this program for the rest of my life.
The second program was the relational arithmetic system that Oleg Kiselyov created, and which appears in chapters 7 and 8 of 'The Reasoned Schemer'. This is the system that convinced me that non-trivial programs can be expressed as true relations, allowing logic variables to be placed in arbitrary positions, and that such programs could be efficient enough to produce interesting answers in practice. A Prolog version of the arithmetic system can be found in this paper:
Oleg Kiselyov, William E. Byrd, Daniel P. Friedman and Chung-chieh Shan.
Pure, declarative, and constructive arithmetic relations (declarative pearl).
In Proceedings of the 9th International Symposium on Functional and Logic Programming,
ed. Jacques Garrigue and Manuel Hermenegildo, pp. 64-80.
LNCS vol. 4989, Springer, 2008.
> d.) Are there some areas where logic programming should never be used?
"Never" is a very serious word! :) I don't think we know enough about any form of programming to use words like "always" and "never." I agree with Gerry Sussman and Alan Kay that we really don't have any idea of how to program. That is doubly true for the kinds of relational programs we're exploring with miniKanren.
Also, I don't really do logic programming, as it's commonly understood. (As in Prolog programming, for example.) I'm interested in writing non-trivial programs as relations, in which variables representing unknown sub-terms can be placed anywhere, within any argument. Relational programming overlaps with traditional logic programming in many ways, but really has a different feel, different goals, and requires different techniques, and different features from the underlying language.
In the short term I would say that relational programming should be used for everything, and nothing. 'Nothing,' since it is so difficult to write efficient relational programs, or even to write queries that are guaranteed to terminate. 'Everything,' since writing programs as relations is often shocking, infuriating, and delightful, all at the same time.
For example, when we were working on the relational Scheme interpreter, we had no idea that it could generate quines from their mathematical definition, until Stu Halloway pointed this out to me and Dan Friedman at Clojure/conj. Talk about a bolt from the blue! And later Michael Ballantyne showed that we could treat the Scheme definition of `append` as a relation by running it inside the relational Scheme interpreter, instead of writing a special `appendo` relation directly in miniKanren. This is the technique used by Barliman! I didn't realize either of these insights, even after many years of writing relational interpreters. I love writing these short programs that can surprise its creator in such deep ways, even after many years!
> c.) Is there a particular area of problems that would really benefit from being solved with logic programming? E.g. I was surprised to learn that Windows used to have an embedded prolog interpreter for network configuration and I realized that there must be more areas that could benefit from using logic programming.
I suppose the standard answer is: rule-based systems that have to perform some type of logical inference. For example, UBS bank apparently wrote a rule-based system in core.logic (David Nolen's Clojure library, originally based on miniKanren, but which now has many extensions). My understanding is that the UBS system was some sort of expert system, determining when certain financial operations should occur. This is a very Prology application.
Like I said above, I'm much more interested in relational programming than in logic programming. I'm not sure which problems benefit most from relational programming, which is one reason I created the Barliman prototype. Nehal Patel thinks that the generality/efficiency tradeoff inherent in the relational interpreter approach to program synthesis makes it most useful for extremely difficult or extremely general problems that cannot be readily expressed using other techniques. This would be similar in spirit to techniques like Markov Chain Monte Carlo--a very general, but potentially slow, technique that should never be be used (here's the "never" word!) if a faster, more specific technique is applicable, but which can be used to express all manner of messy computation.
> b.) Do you think that logic programming can at some point be 'mainstream'? If so, what steps need to happen for this to occur.
In the 1980s logic programming was mainstream, at least in Japan! (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fifth_generation_computer) LISP, Common Lisp, and Lisp machines, and all that, was also semi-mainstream, in that companies and organizations were willing to spend real money on custom hardware and programmers to develop expert systems.
LISP and Prolog were closely connected to good ol' fashioned symbolic AI. During (that season of) the AI winter, the bottom fell out from under LISP and Prolog.
LISP hasn't really become mainstream, although Clojure is fairly popular. But functional programming, and especially ideas from functional programming, has become much more mainstream in the past 10 years. Garbage collection, closures, and even (semi-)hygienic macros are now standard features--or at least standard extensions--in am increasing number of popular or semi-popular languages.
There are at least some uses of logic programming that have started to become popular again. Datalog is being used for static analysis, LogicBlox is selling Datalog-based products to major corporations, Clojure's Datomic is (or contains) a Datalog, and I know of at least one startup writing a custom Datalog. So at least Datalog, which is closely related to Prolog, seems to be gaining in popularity.
What hasn't taken off again is a full, general purpose logic programming language, like Prolog. Maybe functional programming has to become more firmly entrenched in industry before general purpose logic programming can become popular, since logic programming is even higher-level, more abstract, and further from the hardware than functional programming. Trying to understand how the search and constraint solving works, seems much more difficult for most programmers than understanding how Lisp's `cons` works, for example. Understanding monads seems closer in difficulty to understanding basic logic programming--the proliferation of tutorials on the basic ideas of miniKanren and core.logic reminds me a little of the multitude of monad tutorials.
There is also the applicability and performance issue. There is increasing interest in using functional programming, or at least functional techniques, in AAA video games, and there have been a few success stories. Still, using Haskell to write Call of Duty 17 doesn't seem feasible right now. Similarly, it's not clear how to write such a game using a general-purpose logic language. I think what's clear, though, is that parts of these games can be a good match for functional or logic languages or DSLs.
> a.) What do you think about the current/future state of logic programming?
I'm disappointed by the extent to which Prolog is still dominant in the logic programming community, especially for research. I have nothing against Prolog. Having a mono-culture, though, stifles lots of ideas. (Thought experiment--imagine what the state of programming languages research would be in all research was done in...FORTRAN, LISP, Haskell, or any other single language, no matter how great that language is.)
Curry, Mercury, Mozart/Oz, and miniKanren, of course, each have a different take on logic programming than does Prolog, and the logic programming community has never been entirely a mono-culture. But compared to functional programing, for example, there are far fewer logic programming languages that are at all popular, or that are used in research or industry.
I suspect that the dominance of Prolog is one reason that logic programming isn't currently more popular. Haskell, Scheme, Common Lisp, Scala, Clojure, F#, OCaml, Racket, etc., are active enough, and have vibrant enough communities, that someone interested in functional programming can pick from a wide variety of languages, with different philosophies, syntax, type systems, tooling, etc. In the logic programming world it's still either Prolog...or some essentially marginal language (in terms of popularity, not quality!) with a tiny community.
I do think that many people are interested in the ideas of logic programming, especially now that functional programming ideas have become mainstream, having infected even Java and C++. People are starting to look for the next higher level of abstraction after traditional functional programming, be it dependent types, proof assistants, logic programming, or whatever. And I find the interest in Datalog, and the interest in miniKanren, promising.
Unless some language/killer-application combination appears out of the blue (think Ruby/Rails), I suspect that for the foreseeable future it will be the ideas of logic programming, and perhaps a few logic programming DSLs, that influence the broader programming community, and only for the early adopters.
Using multiple DSLs to express different paradigms within the same program seems entirely reasonable to me. This is a very Lispy/Schemely/Rackety notion. There is lots of interest in DSLs these days, and more languages are supporting macro systems, even hygienic macro systems (at least for limited notions of "hygienic"). I wouldn't be surprised if logic programming ideas slip into programmers' toolkits through DSLs like miniKanren or embedded Prologs. Something like an O'Reilly book on using logic programming DSLs to solve common problems would go a long way towards making these techniques more widely known.
As far as the future of relational programming, as opposed to logic programming, I think we haven't even scratched the surface of what is possible. I'm inspired by Alan Kay's saying that "the best way to predict the future is to invent it." :)
If you'd prefer to take this discussion to email we can.
> Thanks for the post, the pull requests, and the questions!
You are very welcome, lol. There might be more coming as time permits. I'll keep an eye out on the progress.
> I'm not promising, though, that the answers aren't ridiculous/stupid! :-)
I've always felt like people are too afraid about not sharing their ridiculous ideas anyway :-).
> I suppose the standard answer is: rule-based systems that have to perform some type of logical inference.
I think that my question was a bit too ambiguous. I think that I meant like an area where logic programming isn't currently commonly used (to me, the network configuration tool seems very out of place for example) but it would be a match made in heaven. I'm aware of expert systems :-).
> In the 1980s logic programming was mainstream, at least in Japan!
I'm actually aware but for some reason it's not mainstream now.
> What hasn't taken off again is a full, general purpose logic programming language, like Prolog.
That's what I was asking about. E.g. would it make sense to e.g. write an OS in a logic/relational language? What sort of CPU support would be required to make this a serious effort? I think what I'm getting at is that I feel like e.g. Prolog isn't truly general purpose. I get that it's turing complete but large portion of programs are much slower in prolog (as you say yourself). Is this something that's "inherent" to logic languages (like even if HW support were better, will it always (i know i know, no absolutes but you get the gist) be MUCH slower or could it be just slightly slower)?
Like I realize that they are slower because they are fundamentally doing a search but I'm wondering if e.g (and I'm really just trowing ideas on the wall here) it's possible to leverage type systems and hw support to considerably reduce the runtime search space and do most of it on compile time. Are you familiar with liquid types (you mention dependent types, so I'm guessing yes?)?
In your work, you seem to be gravitating towards dynamically typed languages. Wouldn't a lot of work be easier in like Haskell or some other type language? I'm sure you have good reasons for not having switched and I'm interested in hearing those. Why are Lisps better for your work?
> "Never" is a very serious word! :-) I don't think we know enough about any form of programming to use words like "always" and "never."
I was actually thinking about wording it slightly less absolutely but I was interested if there were any problems where logic programming would be a bad idea no matter what so it would be basically "never".
> Unless some language/killer-application combination appears out of the blue (think Ruby/Rails),
I think that's part of what I was asking. What would be a "killer" app for logic programming? Are there any problems out there that aren't currently being solved with logical programming but would really benefit from them?
Btw can you recommend some literature on the intersection of logic/constraint/relational programming and music? I've ordered this book https://amazon.com/dp/1848212887/
I'll check out the links you posted. I'm actually working full-time on this music composition app (logic/relational programming isn't the main contribution of the application but I'm just trying to see if there's some low hanging fruit I could do easily and blow minds). If you have any sort of input into that I'm be interested. I saw on your CV that you supervised some undergrad research in this area so I'm guessing that you might not be unfamiliar with that intersection.
I did see like the top google links when I searched for the combination of those keywords (e.g. https://vimeo.com/55677313) so I think I'm interested in some sort of meta analysis.
> If you'd prefer to take this discussion to email we can.
Sure. I'll take a crack at these followup questions first, though!
> I think that my question was a bit too ambiguous. I think that I meant like an area where logic programming isn't currently commonly used (to me, the network configuration tool seems very out of place for example) but it would be a match made in heaven. I'm aware of expert systems :-).
It doesn't surprise me to see Prolog in a configuration system, since configuration is a standard use of expert systems--for example, Xcon (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Xcon). Getting a manager at Microsoft to allow the use of Prolog is the surprising thing to me! :)
> That's what I was asking about. E.g. would it make sense to e.g. write an OS in a logic/relational language? What sort of CPU support would be required to make this a serious effort? I think what I'm getting at is that I feel like e.g. Prolog isn't truly general purpose. I get that it's turing complete but large portion of programs are much slower in prolog (as you say yourself). Is this something that's "inherent" to logic languages (like even if HW support were better, will it always (i know i know, no absolutes but you get the gist) be MUCH slower or could it be just slightly slower)?
You can play all sorts of "extra-logical" tricks in Prolog to improve performance, at the cost of giving up declarativeness. Still, Prolog is not the language I'd reach for first when writing system software, as you point out.
Have you looked at Mercury? Mercury is a logic programming language that borrows heavily from Haskell. One cool thing about Mercury is that you define high-level relations, specifying types and other annotations for each relation. The Mercury compiler then compiles the high-level declarative relations into lower level, more efficient functional definitions. One high-level relation might be compiled to many functions, which are dispatched to at run-time based on the groundness of the arguments passed to the relation. Mercury is specifically designed for system programming, and also has support for parallelism.
I should point out that Mercury relations aren't really full relations, like they are in miniKanren. Mercury compiles away unifications for efficiency, which means that Mercury can't handle more sophisticated uses of logic variables. For example, the quine-generating query would be impossible to specify in Mercury. But the resulting code is much more efficient.
Greg Rosenblatt has applied a few of the Mercury compiler techniques to the relational interpreter used by Barliman, which has sped up some synthesis queries by orders of magnitude. He suspects there are more gains to be made from borrowing Mercury optimizations.
> Like I realize that they are slower because they are fundamentally doing a search but I'm wondering if e.g (and I'm really just trowing ideas on the wall here) it's possible to leverage type systems and hw support to considerably reduce the runtime search space and do most of it on compile time. Are you familiar with liquid types (you mention dependent types, so I'm guessing yes?)?
I'm not sure what you mean by hardware support, exactly. Are you talking about using accelerators like GPUs or FPGAs? If so, as far as I can tell miniKanren doesn't map well onto these accelerators, although the Intel Phi might be a decent match.
I suspect that running synthesis tasks on a beefy server, or even on a cluster, would result in a significant improvement to performance. Static analysis and compiler optimizations would probably make a much bigger difference, though.
I'm slightly familiar with liquid types. There may be ways for dependent types to prune parts of the search space statically, although I'm not sure. I'd like to explore combining miniKanren and Idris, to see where that leads.
> In your work, you seem to be gravitating towards dynamically typed languages. Wouldn't a lot of work be easier in like Haskell or some other type language? I'm sure you have good reasons for not having switched and I'm interested in hearing those. Why are Lisps better for your work?
I like Scheme because it has very powerful meta-programming capabilities, it is easy to write meta-circular interpreters, it is trivial to write DSLs (without having to write parsers or whatever), and the abstract syntax and concrete syntax are essentially the same. Being able to just call 'read' to parse an expression, and being able to redefine built-in binding forms, for example, can be extremely handy.
Haskell is a language chock full of interesting ideas. I don't love it, though. The syntax, lack of macros, all the extensions in GHC, etc., make for a language that is powerful but complex. I like languages that are powerful but small, containing only a few concepts. miniKanren itself only has three core operators; the relational interpreter uses an extended version of miniKanren with six operators, but we hope to get that down to five.
In short, Scheme fits my programming style better. I'm not averse to using other languages, though. And miniKanren has been ported to dozens of host languages, including multiple Haskell implementations.
As far as the types making things easier, I'm not sure this is true. Many ML and Haskell programmers have looked at miniKanren and said, "this would be so much better with types!" After playing around with the implementation for a while, they usually say, "taking advantage of the types without losing the flavor of miniKanren is much harder than I thought." As far as I can tell, the only interesting embedding of miniKanren in a typed language is Dmitry Boulytchev's OCanren (https://github.com/dboulytchev/OCanren). Dmitry had to hack the OCaml type system at a low (and potentially unsafe) level to make the embedding possible. I would be interested in exploring OCanren for writing relational interpreters. I'm not exactly sure what it would buy us, though.
There are lots of interesting connections between dependent types and logic programming. I'd like to explore combining Idris and ideas from miniKanren, for example. To me, combining Idris and miniKanren seems more interesting and promising than combining Haskell and miniKanren, which has been done many times without apparent benefit.
Now, in contrast to the host language used for the embedding of miniKanren, implementing a typed language in the relational interpreter definitely makes synthesis easier. In other words, implementing a relational interpreter for an ML-like language, using miniKanren embedded in Scheme, is probably far better for synthesis than implementing a relational interpreter for Scheme, using miniKanren embedded in Haskell.
I definitely plan to investigate relational interpreters for typed languages (Michael Ballantyne has already done some work in this area, and showed great improvements in synthesis). I'm also open to exploring miniKanren's embedded in typed languages. This seems like a much trickier problem than you might think, though. OCanren looks like a promising start, and I look forward to playing with it more.
> I was actually thinking about wording it slightly less absolutely but I was interested if there were any problems where logic programming would be a bad idea no matter what so it would be basically "never".
I think this largely depends on what you consider "logic programming". Mercury seems applicable to systems programming problems that aren't an ideal match for traditional Prolog, for example. And Curry allows functional programming and logic programming to be blended in interesting ways that blur the lines between the paradigms.
There are also approaches like Answer Set Programming, and even Answer Set Programming Modulo Theories, that use powerful solvers to solve problems that would be hopelessly inefficient with naive Prolog (or miniKanren) search.
So I'll stick with my original answer, and say it's far too soon to tell. :) We do need new langauges and approaches, though!
> I think that's part of what I was asking. What would be a "killer" app for logic programming? Are there any problems out there that aren't currently being solved with logical programming but would really benefit from them?
Such a tiny percentage of programmers have even heard about Answer Set Programming; it's possible there are killer apps for ASP laying around, just waiting for someone to connect the ideas.
I suspect killer apps will be found for probabilistic logic programming, as the languages and implementations improve, and as more people become comfortable with probabilistic programming.
And, of course, I'm hoping program synthesis using logic programming will be a killer app! :)
> Btw can you recommend some literature on the intersection of logic/constraint/relational programming and music? I've ordered this book https://amazon.com/dp/1848212887/
> I'll check out the links you posted. I'm actually working full-time on this music composition app (logic/relational programming isn't the main contribution of the application but I'm just trying to see if there's some low hanging fruit I could do easily and blow minds). If you have any sort of input into that I'm be interested. I saw on your CV that you supervised some undergrad research in this area so I'm guessing that you might not be unfamiliar with that intersection.
> I did see like the top google links when I searched for the combination of those keywords (e.g. https://vimeo.com/55677313) so I think I'm interested in some sort of meta analysis.
I'd be happy to talk to you about this in more depth, maybe via hangouts. I think it depends very much on what you want to do. For example, synthesis of music that pleases humans is still an open problem. But other problems seem more tractable.
Thank you for your hard work in this area! I'm just starting to learn about relational programming, but I'm interested in it from the perspective of "computer aided thinking", i.e. a deduction assistant.
When I'm learning a new system, especially in an unfamiliar domain, it sometimes takes a while for that "click" to happen in my brain. Before the click, I'm just building mental projections of the system internals, adding primitives and new relations on the fly based on whatever reading material I have at my disposal. After the click, I have a solid understanding of the core of the system and all other knowledge fits neatly on top of it.
This is especially important for me when designing new systems from my mental projections, as opposed to deducing systems that I know already exist. Sometimes there are inconsistencies hidden behind several layers of indirection. Hard to spot when you're not an expert in the domain, because the domain keeps changing as you're brainstorming.
I've been experimenting with JetBrains MPS for this exact purpose. It's good, but it doesn't "guide you" if that makes sense. Providing autocompletion for custom concepts is as far as it goes AFAIK. Barliman looks very useful for this kind of guided approach.
I'd love to hear any thoughts you may have on the topic! Do you think about things in a similar manner? Is there anything that I should check out?
I've heard of MPS but I don't know much about it. I need to watch the demos/screencasts!
I'm very much interested in "tools for thought," which could include deduction assistants, but also other tools to augment human intellect. Barliman is the first program I've worked on with this tools-for-though mindset, which I've found very stimulating. I've been influenced by Englebart, Vannevar Bush, Licklider, Alan Kay, Alan Borning, Brett Victor, Alex Warth, Michael Nielsen, among others. I can point you to lots of resources on this topic, if you are interested.
Michael Ballantyne and I started a mailing list/set of Google Hangouts called "As We May Thunk" to explore some of these ideas. You might find some of the hangouts interesting:
Inductive Logic Programming is really interesting. I'd really like to explore similarities between ILP and the synthesis used in Barliman--I suspect Barliman's example-based synthesis could get a real boost from ILP.
One book I highly recommend, and which I've found very accessible, is Ivan Bratko's 'Prolog Programming for Artificial Intelligence'. The 4th edition has a section on ILP.
If you are interested in ILP and also in Barliman, maybe this is a topic we could explore together.
Problog is a probabilistic Prolog. Above is the implementation in Python but there's a few Prolog versions floating around, unfortunately the ones I tried did not seem to work out of the box.
Rob and I have taken a step back, and are now working with Evan Donahue on just adding stochastic search to miniKanren. If you are interested in joining us, please let me know! :)
As I understand it, Solar-Lezama's approach is based on CEGIS (counter-example guided inductive synthesis), using a model checker or similar tool to generate counter examples from a specification. Barliman currently doesn't use anything like CEGIS, although I hope to add something similar in the near futures, perhaps using optional properties (as in Quickcheck) or contacts as partial specifications.
The sketching approach seems to require more structure than does Barliman in terms of what the programmer must specify, to make synthesis more efficient. The versions of Sketch that I've seen don't have anything like an interactive editor--the interactivity is really the key part Barliman is meant to explore.
Solar-Lezama's group is doing lots of interesting work in addition to Sketch:
It would have been nice to see some more information on the way this works. I'm not clear exactly what is being searched- some set of built-in functions that are combined in the hopes of finding one that makes tests pass? A space of function components?
It's cool but I'd like to know what it does exactly. Maybe the explanation is spread around examples, but skimming through them I couldn't find it.
Barliman's synthesis is based on the "relational interpreter" approach described in this 2012 Scheme Workshop paper:
William E. Byrd, Eric Holk, and Daniel P. Friedman.
miniKanren, Live and Untagged: Quine Generation via Relational Interpreters (Programming Pearl).
Proceedings of the 2012 Workshop on Scheme and Functional Programming, Copenhagen, Denmark, 2012.
The basic idea is to write an interpreter as a relation in a constraint logic programming language (miniKanren, in this case). Since the interpreter is a relation, there is no real distinction between "input" arguments and "output" values. More generally, arguments to the relational interpreter can be partially-instantiated terms that contain logic variables representing unknown subexpressions.
Since the interpreter for "miniScheme" is fully relational, running the interpreter "forwards" to generate a value from a given expressions, or running the interpreter "backwards" to generate an expression that evaluates to a given value, are essentially the same operation. The only difference is where the logic variables are placed in the query to the relational interpreter.
But the approach is more general than just running the interpreter forward or backward. Logic variables can be used in both the expression to be evaluated, and in the expected value. This is how we can generate quines (expressions that evaluate to themselves) in miniKanren directly from the mathematical definition of a quine, for example. The query
(run N (q) (evalo q q))
will produce N quines, including a quine that is alpha-equivalent to the canonical Scheme quine
((lambda (x)
(list x (list (quote quote) x)))
(lambda (x)
(list x (list (quote quote) x)))))
This example shows some of the generality of the relational interpreter approach---program inversion applied to a Scheme interpreter would not be able to generate quines.
The search is done over all possible terms in "miniScheme," a Turing-complete subset of Scheme that supports higher-order variadic functions, recursion, lists and pairs, lexical scoping/shadowing, etc., and that has been extended with pattern-matching.
> I'm starting with cocoa since I'm developing on a Mac
Does anyone here have an idea of how easy or difficult it would be to build this on Linux? The GNUStep website says they framework closely follows Apple's Cocoa. And yet, I am not familiar with any sizeable Mac app getting ported to Linux via GNUStep.
I'm not sure how easy it would be to compile Barliman under GNUStep. I would like to have a version of Barliman that runs on different platforms, perhaps using JavaScript/Clojurescript/whatever.
The GUI part of Barliman isn't that sophisticated. I think the trickier part is managing the Chez Scheme processes that are being launched/killed in the background. If there are N tests/examples, Barliman will launch N+2 processes of Chez Scheme, in parallel, each one running a miniKanren query. Killing these processes and starting new ones reliably is critical.
I'm not sure how easy it would be to launch and manage Chez Scheme instances using Node.js, for example.
If you are interested in compiling Barliman under GNUStep, I'd be happy to help. I'd be willing to try to rewrite parts of the code that aren't supported by GNUStep, for example. I assume GNUStep supports Swift? If not, we would have to rewrite Barliman in Objective-C, which would be fine by me.
I should mention that I've been thinking about separating the GUI completely from process management, to make it easier to run synthesis processes on remote machines, such as a beefy EC2 X1 instance. At that point, hopefully it would be quite simple to write a new front end for Barliman.
Do you have any recommendations for cross-platform GUIs that can also launch and manage parallel processes well?
I've been looking for something related to this. Whenever I design unit test cases, I write out the common edge cases, let's say: valid input, invalid input (wrong data type), invalid input (too long), etc, then translate them into tests. I might write them in a way that the tests are the combination of various dimensions of input, one per variable. For example, try input1=['a', 'aaa', None] x input2=[-1, 0, 1, None] for each combination knowing which I expect to pass and fail.
Often the tests are similar (write one, duplicate, slightly change the logic), and I've always felt like there has to be some kind of test generation framework out there to do this, though I haven't heard of anyone actually using one.
Sort of a nitpick, but green always makes me think "tests passing", whereas you've got it meaning "incomplete expression" (or something along those lines, since you point out that it's not the same as syntax errors).
I agree! The newer interface includes an "Illegal sexpression" messages, but still uses the sickly green color. I need to fix this--any suggestions? :)
A wavy red underline is the established default for inline error reporting at this point, for better or worse. That's probably the best thing to use unless you're determined to make advances in graphical user interface layout, which — I hope it isn't rude to point out — doesn't seem to be a goal of Barliman, from looking at the screenshots.
If you're going to highlight errors with an error background color, I suggest blue, which contrasts better with green than red or yellow can, especially if you're somewhat red-green colorblind, like I am. Alternatively, maybe you could reduce the contrast on the whole pane except for the error, as if you were trying to scam the programmer into supplying their email address to continue reading an article.
Good point! I like the idea of using a wavy red line. Thanks!
Yeah the user interface is pretty budget right now. :) I've been teaching myself Swift and Cocoa programming, and still have lots to learn. And I've been concentrating more on the "under the hood" pieces of Barliman. But I do want to explore new interface and GUI ideas.
I suspect the interface will change completely in the future. Tom Gilray, for example, has suggested using just a regular editor window, which Barliman would parse to find the definitions, examples, optional type annotations, etc. This would be closer in spirit to the XCode interface.
One interface question is how to best specify the semantics for the language under interpretation (for example, "miniScheme"). Currently the semantics are specified by writing a "relational" interpreter in miniKanren. This is pretty low level, though. I'd like to have a much high-level specification language that looks closer to the math for operational semantics.
It wasn't clear to me how the "best guess" works. Did I miss it?
Indeed, if program synthesis can be done for even slightly non-trivial tasks (find in list, etc) that would be a huge boon for StackOverflow answer bots.
I gave a short, semi-technical explanation of how Barliman performs synthesis in my answer to `YeGoblynQueenne`. I'm not sure if that description answers your question, though.
I agree that relatively modest synthesis could be useful; exploring modest synthesis is why I made Barliman, although I hope Barliman's synthesis can be made less modest! :)
This is ambitious. I don't really believe it will be rally useful one day, but who know, maybe it is the primitive form of a program which will replace programmers in the future.
Yes, Barliman is ambitious. Both the synthesis capabilities and the interface will need to improve before Barliman might be useful for practicing programmers.
One question Barliman is trying to explore is whether relatively modest synthesis abilities might be useful for some tasks. If the last 10% of a function could be synthesized, for example, how useful would that be? Perhaps a better question is, "for which tasks, if any, would modest synthesis be useful"?
I don't know the answer to this question.
A tool like Barliman might be useful in an educational setting. However, this seems a bit like the calcular/Wolfram Alpha debate in teaching math. If Barliman becomes good enough to synthesize many simple Scheme definitions from examples, would that take away too many learning opportunities from students? I suppose it would teach students to think of example tests, and perhaps even properties, types, or contracts, for the functions they are defining. But it does seem that the better synthesis works, the less useful Barliman might be in a teaching setting.
One suggestion from Matt Matt is to use Barliman for code repair. For example, say I define a function `foo`, along with several tests that `foo` passes. Later I find that the definition of `foo` is incorrect, and come up with several more tests that fail using the current definition. Barliman could have an "auto repair" button that attempts to synthesize a correct definition of `foo` from both the tests and the "almost correct" existing definition. I have several ideas of how this might be done. For autorepair (and other synthesis tasks) it would be helpful to extend Barliman to run synthesis tasks remotely--for example, on an EC2 X1 instance with dozens of hardware threads.
For more advanced synthesis tasks, I think we'll need a more sophisticated search. I was very impressed with Alpha Go's performance over a giant search space that historically has been considered the domain of human experts, a task that reminds me greatly of synthesis. I'm working with Rob Zinkov and Evan Donahue on using stochastic search/Markov Chain Monte Carlo/etc. to try to allow miniKanren's search to explore more promising areas in the search space. One inspiring piece of related work is this 2013 ASPLOS paper by Schkufza, Sharma, and Aiken on Stochastic Superoptimization:
I don't see Barliman or other synthesis tools replacing programmers any time soon, but in 10 or 15 years I hope our tools will be assisting us with useful synthesis tasks.
You might be interested in this paper and code on the implementation of microKanren, a minimal implementation of core miniKanren. The core implementation is under 50 lines of Scheme code.
Jason Hemann and Daniel P. Friedman.
microKanren: A Minimal Functional Core for Relational Programming.
In Proceedings of the 2013 Workshop on Scheme and Functional Programming (Scheme '13), Alexandria, VA, 2013.
Yes, it's a prototype editor with interactive example-based synthesis.
Barliman's synthesis can try to fill in "missing" sub-expressions in a Scheme definition. However, there is also a TDD component that might not be obvious. Barliman will attempt to run each test individually, even if the function has not been fully defined. That is, Barliman will attempt to synthesis a definition of the function to make each test pass. If Barliman can prove that there there is no way to fill in the function definition to make the test pass, the test will display an error message.
In other words, Barliman runs unit tests continually, and those tests can fail before you have finished defining the function being tested. Hopefully this feedback will let the programmer know that they are heading down the wrong path as soon as possible. Or, let the programmer double check the test, to make sure the test is correct.
So it's possible that this idea makes more sense for languages without a strong type system. In any case, trying to complete a partial function definition without looking at the native types of the language means you miss a lot of information, especially in the case of Haskell, where the types tell you so much, if not everything, you need to know about a function.