Inductive Logic Programming is really interesting. I'd really like to explore similarities between ILP and the synthesis used in Barliman--I suspect Barliman's example-based synthesis could get a real boost from ILP.
One book I highly recommend, and which I've found very accessible, is Ivan Bratko's 'Prolog Programming for Artificial Intelligence'. The 4th edition has a section on ILP.
If you are interested in ILP and also in Barliman, maybe this is a topic we could explore together.
Problog is a probabilistic Prolog. Above is the implementation in Python but there's a few Prolog versions floating around, unfortunately the ones I tried did not seem to work out of the box.
Rob and I have taken a step back, and are now working with Evan Donahue on just adding stochastic search to miniKanren. If you are interested in joining us, please let me know! :)