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Infinite Noise – Simple, Open-Source TRNG (github.com/waywardgeek)
140 points by nickpsecurity on Sept 7, 2016 | hide | past | favorite | 25 comments

This is a really good writeup and design, but it misses one crucial point: it doesn't matter what the actual quality of your noise source is. What matters is that you have an accurate estimate of the quality of your noise source. [EDIT: actually, you don't even need that. All you really need is a reliable lower bound.] No noise source is perfect, so you have to use a whitener regardless. When you use a whitener you have to choose how many output bits to extract for a give number of input bits. If you extract more than the quality of your source allows, you lose. That's really all there is to it.

So the best approach to generating secure random numbers is simply to use a large safety margin in your estimate of the quality of your noise source, whatever it may be. You don't really need any fancy hardware unless you have very high bandwidth requirements (and if you think you have high bandwidth requirements you are almost certainly wrong). For nearly all practical applications (unless you are a telco) you can safely generate a crypto key by, for example, grabbing a few frames from a webcam pointed at a fan, or reading a few seconds of audio from a microphone while you say "Shhh", and running that through a whitener. That will give you several orders of magnitude of safety margin, which is enough to thwart any external attack.

> When you use a whitener you have to choose how many output bits to extract for a give number of input bits. If you extract more than the quality of your source allows, you lose.

Crypto is not my area of expertise, but this seems to contradict other things I've read. For example, in the debate about whether /dev/random should block, I seem to recall tptacek saying something like this: the idea that we have ciphers we can't break, but we have randomness sources that "run out" of entropy, doesn't pass the cryptographer's laugh test. I think someone else put it this way: seed AES with, say, 512 random bits, and then you can encrypt as many zero bits as you want to generate your random numbers; as long as AES itself is secure, you're not in any danger.

That doesn't mean it's not a good idea to keep mixing in external entropy, of course, as long as that's easy to do and doesn't itself give an attacker a way to influence the results (I seem to recall seeing a paper about this somewhere). But it doesn't seem to be essential, if you believe those arguments.

What do you think about this?

That is an excellent question!

There are two separate issues here:

1. How many bits of real entropy can you count on getting out of a TRNG in a given amount of time?

2. How many bits can you safely extract from a PRNG that has been seeded with N bits of entropy?

This discussion is about issue #1. The /dev/random vs /dev/urandom arguments are about issue #2.

Just for the record, the answer to #2 is: once your PRNG has been seeded with "enough" entropy, you can safely extract an essentially infinite amount of pseudo-randomness out of it (where "essentially" means that there might be a theoretical limit, but you won't encounter it before the heat death of the universe).

(How much entropy is "enough"? Again, it depends on how paranoid you want to be. 128 bits is barely enough. 256 is plenty. 512 is overkill.)

Running out of TRNG entropy is a problem when the random number is used as a secret key or the equivalent, because for an adversary such a low-entropy value is easier to guess than it should. The effective number of possible keys is reduced. Use of the defective sample as a PRNG seed or something else is irrelevant.

Well, it's easier to do that estimate on something following basic physics with decades of confirmation. At least I think it is. :)

Far as the camera trick, it was used in LavaRand:


That was a really, cool project back when a lava lamp was involved. You could get your company to buy one for "business purposes."

> it's easier to do that estimate on something following basic physics

Cameras and microphones follow the exact same basic physics as the op-amps in in the OP's circuit.

Don't many use some kind of pre-processing or analog tricks in their products? It's what A/V people often told me.

Sure, but so what? That's my whole point: none of that is necessary, or even helpful. All you need is a good lower bound on your noise quality estimate, multiply by 10 or 100 or 1000 depending on how you want to trade off speed for paranoia, and you're done. Anything else is a distraction.

"Sure, but so what? "

Point being that a person with a baseline of electronics training knows exactly what one or two basic components are doing right next to each other. Products like A/V that use extra tricks can make the analysis more difficult or just take more knowledge. I lean toward the simple ones. A mic or camera sensor with nothing messing with its input might be fine, too.

"All you need is a good lower bound on your noise quality estimate, multiply by 10 or 100 or 1000 depending on how you want to trade off speed for paranoia, and you're done."

That part sounds right.

I don't get it. He only provided one test run of ent and failed 4 out of 6 of the tests in that run. There should be multiple tests with multiple test suites. Ent and Diehard would be good, or Ent and Dieharder (though a couple of the dieharder tests are suspect, the rest are good).

I only see one run of ent on one data set and it only passed the Chi Square Distribution test and the Arithmetic Mean test. It failed entropy, compression (badly), Monte Carlo Pi (badly), and serial correlation.

Because it is impossible to prove non-randomness (maybe the output really was 1111111111111111111 randomly) neither I nor anybody else can claim that the device doesn't provide good entropy, but there is no evidence that it does either.

Perhaps I'm mistaken, but it's expected that the entropy test should fail. Because the noise is being scaled by only 1.82 each round, it's pretty simple to predict the next bit:

> P(next_bit_is_0 | prev_bit_is_0)

> = P(v1.82 < 0.5 | v < 0.5), where v is some real from a uniform distribution of [0, 1)

> = P(v < 0.5/1.82 | v < 0.5)

> = (0.5/1.82) / (0.5)

> = 0.55

So 55% of the time that a 0 occurs in the bitstream, the next bit will also be 0. You can make similar predictions for 0 -> 0 -> 0 and 0 -> 1 -> 0, and more generally, x -> ... -> y -> 0. As a result, you can pick an arbitrarily long chain of N previous outputs, and then compute how effective knowledge of these N bits is in predicting the next bit. It will not be significantly different from knowledge of the past infinity bits, provided N is "large enough". The higher the likelihood of being able to predict the next bit given knowledge of all previous bits, the more compressible the data.

By extension, one would expect entropy and serial correlation to also fail, but these all have solutions/workarounds. If each output bit produces M < 1 bits of unpredictable randomness (i.e. entropy), then an algorithm can be developed that takes k/M raw bits and outputs k bits in such a manner that the likelihood of correctly guessing the next output bit given all previous output bits is much* lower.

Typically, a well-built PRNG will do that last function well. Seed it with k/M raw bits and read M outputs, rinse, repeat.

Hope that wasn't excessive - I wrote this as much for my own benefit as anything else.

USB stick. Doesn’t have risky microcontroller like some. Uses thermal noise. Does whitening in the driver instead of hardware so hardware noise is verifiable w/ simple implementation. Everything up to BOM is open. Cost about $10 each to make with a minimum volume of… 9. ;)

Also a Tindie link for anyone that uses them:


looked great until I saw the FTDI chip...

For reference: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eU66as4Bbds

BitBabbler had one, too. Engineer said it was the simplest, cheapest, "dumb" product they could find for USB in that form factor or packaging. So, that problem is apparently going around. It might help if someone in open-source hardware would make one with similar attributes. It will cost money because ASIC's ain't cheap.

There are tons of great alternatives:


many of those support the USB serial class so they don't even need a driver.

My personal favorite is CH340g, used in many new Arduino clones:


Thanks. I'll look at them later and forward them to various people if I like them.

With the whitening requirement already depending on an algorithm with cryptographic guarantees (they use SHA3), this hardware only seems useful for generating keys.

They suggest the following algorithm to generate N bytes:

> The Inifite Noise driver uses the reference version of the SHA3 "sponge", called Keccak, with a 1600 bit state. To make the state of the sponge unpredictable, it is initialized with 20,000 bits of of Infinite Noise data before any data is output. After that, reading bytes from the SHA3 sponge blocks until twice as many bytes of entropy have been fed into the sponge from the Infinite Noise TRNG.

In code, that is

  repeat N / (block size) times:
    raw <- output of hardware
    output SHA3(raw)
They claim that the hardware outputs only log(1.82) bits of entropy per bit. Thus, they are relying on SHA3 to act as a cryptographic extractor.

Now, I don't think it's proven that the existence of an extractor implies the existence of psuedorandomness. However, I believe the usual construction would still assume that SHA3 was a psuedorandom generator. Under this assumption, then the following algorithm also outputs psuedorandom bits, but with only one use of the hardware.

  let seed <- output of hardware
  repeat N / (2 * block size) times:
    result <- SHA3(seed)
    seed <- first half of result
    output second half of result
(Assuming the PRG is length-doubling. If it is less than length-doubling, we can still construct a length-doubling PRG wlog)

Does anyone know why (I'd accept cryptographic, philosophical, or practical reasons) the first algorithm would be preferable to the second?

Relevant reading (both highly recommended books in their own right!):

  Arora & Barak "Computational Complexity" Ch 21 "Expanders and Extractors"
  Goldreich "Founds of Cryptography I" defines PRG and so forth

SHA3 should be assumed to be psuedorandom under its inputs. If this can be shown to not be the case, SHA3 would be considered broken.

There is no reason once you have collected a sufficient amount of entropy (~128 bits), to continue to collect it from the device. You would want to also mix in other entropy sources as well, to prevent an attack along the lines of the Dual EC DRBG kerfuffle.

That's not what was being asked; what was being asked is "why wouldn't you want to persist some bits from a previous emission to a current one?" and the answer is "you do; it helps you in threat models where the attacker is somehow able to blast some hardware for a tiny time such that they can control an N bit-chunk of seed material, but not what came before or after." If you don't persist some bits between the calls, then this lets them determine entirely a few outputs of your RNG -- albeit scrambled by SHA3, but for some security expectations that's sufficient. On the other hand if you persist a seeding block between hash invocations, you block these attacks rather easily.

They're using something very similar to your second algorithm, but the structure is in fact baked into SHA3, and in fact your second approach essentially takes their literal suggestion and modifies it by, every round, zeroing some of their PRNG state bits. I don't need to tell you why that's less preferable than what they're doing! (Your approach also has something in the range of 1-2 times more memory usage, but that only matters for embedded applications since neither one has high memory demands.) But yeah, this is definitely not your first algorithm.

Details: during a hash, SHA3 at all times is keeping a very large state block of 1600 bits. It defines a pseudorandom permutation (think of a block cipher with a block size of 1600 bits and a fixed key) of those 1600 bits as its round function. To run the hash, you pad your message and then break it into N blocks of size `rate`; starting from a zeroed state you XOR in a block to the first `rate` bits of the state, then permute the state with the round function, repeat until all blocks are consumed. Afterwards you read the first `rate` bits, and if that's not enough, you permute the state and repeat until all the output blocks you want are generated. (The magic number of 1600 was chosen in part so that you wouldn't generally need to do this; for SHA3-512 the rate is still 576 bits with 1024 bits of "capacity" in the sponge, so one read is enough to pull out the 512 bits of output.)

Now that you understand the hash, to use it as a PRNG, you just reseed it with the XOR-then-Permute operation and read it with the readout-then-Permute operation, interleaved. Each readout that you get is therefore formally equivalent to a SHA3 hash of

     initial_seed_bytes + 
         repeat(zeros, number_requests_before_first_reseed)  +
         first_reseed_bytes +
         repeat(zeros, number_requests_before_second_reseed) +
which proves that getting the PRNG to return a specific random string X is no easier than a preimage-attack on SHA3 for that string X. (This is why the researchers involved invented the sponge construction as an alternative to Merkle-Damgard; it was easy to prove security properties about it.)

Since an N-bit hash generally needs a 2N-bit state anyway to avoid nasty meet-in-the-middle attacks and such, the SHA3 PRNG is better than generic constructions purely because it can avoid a pointless R+C => R bit state reduction, which (since SHA3 starts from a 0-state and XORs in the first R bits as your seed block) is exactly same thing as zeroing all of the reserved C bits that aren't normally attacker-writable.

A few months ago, I came across a similar project: OneRNG [1]. The device is open-source and one of their goals is to be verifiable by someone who buys the device. There was an article on LWN about this too [2].

[1] http://onerng.info/

[2] https://lwn.net/Articles/629714/

I appreciate the cool factor of a dedicated hardware RNG, but provided you've seeded a CSPRNG with a relatively small number of true random bits, there's no attacks on that that aren't "assuming a total preimage attack against SHA-1...".

I guess I'm saying after ~128 bits you can safely disconnect the TRNG.

It's clear that a lot of thought went into this write-up, but this is not a design that I would use or recommend.

(Because you probably don't anything about me: I have background in both circuit design and applied crypto, and I have published research on hardware random number generators. I'm not saying this to bully you into believing me, but rather to give you some motivation to think critically.)

The main problem is that the noise sources are implicit: the designer has no control over the spectrum or the relative magnitude of the various noise sources, and there's no attempt at rejecting power supply ripple or RF disturbances. (The claim that "it naturally defends against influence from outside signals" is not substantiated, and as I argue below, there is a strong possibility that it is false.)

It's also worrisome that the author doesn't bother to distinguish between "noise" in the technical sense and "noise" in the some-arbitrary-signal sense (e.g., power supply ripple). Only the former has useful statistical properties. The latter is useless at best, and an attack vector at worst.

As an concrete example of what worries me: this is a discrete time, positive feedback loop. We are presented with evidence that it has a mode of operation in which its output looks random. Critically, this does not eliminate the possibility that it has another mode that's essentially a limit cycle. My intuition tells me there's a very good possibility that if the output of the circuit has a heavy enough capacitive load, and the circuit's power supply is sufficiently high impedance, the whole thing would lock up into a steady-state oscillation. This is related to the analog design adage: oscillators don't, everything else does :)

So what's the "right" approach (at least, in my opinion)? First, simplicity: fewer moving parts means there's less that can go wrong. Second, pick an explicit noise source; the best choice is a diode in avalanche breakdown (this is sometimes conflated with Zener breakdown; they're different phenomena, and avalanche is louder). Avalanche generates enough noise that it requires very little amplification, and unlike thermal noise, avalanche is quite insensitive to temperature. Third, make it insensitive to external influences by design: shield it from RF, take special care to ensure power supply insensitivity, etc. Fourth, run wellness tests whenever you sample from the RNG. Intel's procedures are a good example [1].

Finally, a lot of other comments in this thread have covered this, but under standard cryptographic assumptions there is no reason to run this RNG continuously. Sample a few thousand bits, hash them into a key, and use AES-256 as your PRNG. For a really nice take on randomness mythbusting, see "Recommendations for randomness in the operating system" by Corrigan-Gibbs and Jana [2].

[1] http://www.rambus.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/08/Intel_TRNG_...

[2] https://www.henrycg.com/pubs/hotos15recommendations/

Interesting write-up. I get really, mixed reviews on all these analog designs from various EE's. So, what do you think about BitBabbler's analysis and design while you're at it?


EDIT: Now I know the name. Interesting to run into a person whose team independently invented a verifiable ASIC strategy very similar to my own of a year or so ago. I learned digital at a high-level, generalist way of thinking with no hands-on ability and definitely no analog. So, I have to work at that level. Started learning risk areas from insiders like this [1]. My initial strategy enumerated problem space to tackle it head on [2]. Yet, I switched gears to follow how provers work: combine untrusted EDA tools and main CPU's with traces produced for trusted, verification tools on inspectable CPU's. Similar to what I did for high-assurance, guard designs at protocol level without formal methods. I determined by maybe Jan2015 based on my Schneier.com posts that trusted ASIC's should be 0.35 micron or above because they're still visually inspectable. If ever funded, I'd modify VAMP CPU to be more like SAFE or CHERI to do the job. If too hard to do visual on, I'd start with a Forth or JOP-like processor before that. Even considered FM9001 & Piton haha. Also, replicating computation on diverse, fast CPU's from various vendors, fabs, and countries with optical communication & EMSEC isolation. The old, diverse, voter scheme I did pre-silicon for things like build systems.

Anyway, props on being ahead of me in implementation and more impressive design in general. Great work. That we converged on similar approach means it's probably worth me putting more effort into among the many ideas I'm juggling. I still gotta learn analog and hands-on formal methods, though, before I can do something like yours or provably solve the analog portion. (sighs) My gut has been telling me since I studied TEMPEST and RobertT's analog subversions that the solution will have strong analog component past diverse review of gates and such I was leaning on.

[1] https://www.schneier.com/blog/archives/2013/09/surreptitious...

[2] https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=10468624

So, what do you think about BitBabbler's analysis and design while you're at it?

The problem with BitBabbler is that they have a lot of text but, as far as I can tell, no circuit diagrams and no real discussion of what they're doing. It may just be that their wall of text makes me go cross-eyed, but my snakeoil detector goes off whenever I start reading their web page. For example, the talk about sample-and-hold circuits as "analog shift registers" and worrying about quantization seems slightly unhinged (for one, if you need more resolution, just use a bigger sampling cap). Apologies to the BitBabbler people if they're on the up-and-up, but a page that talks about auditability and verifiability but doesn't show a schematic seems slightly dishonest.

(Sorry... rant mode off.)

Thanks for the kind words regarding verifiable ASICs! You are absolutely right that there's a ton of complexity to worry about here. But I sincerely hope that the world makes more headway on this problem, so I'm really glad you're thinking about it.

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